Hate You

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With my eyes closed, I was lying on my bed, oblivious to everything around me. I reminded myself to take a few deep breaths and kickstart the day with a burst of energy. It's time to let go of worries and focus on the present moment.

I hate having to go to the office every day. But you know what really gets me in a better mood in the mornings? A nice hot shower. I switched off the shower, threw on my bathrobe, and strolled down the living room hallway. Mornings are okay, I guess, but only after chowing down some breakfast.

I was putting on my favorite perfume and getting ready for the office when my cell phone rang again. I caught a glimpse of the caller's identity and hastily pressed the "end call" button. My heart was pounding in my chest, and my mind was flooded with a mix of emotions - anxiety, discomfort, and a flood of memories from the past. Despite my unease, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that I had avoided a potentially difficult conversation.

Hey, Good morning, Y/N! I just wanted to remind you that we have a highly significant meeting today regarding developing new project programs.
We must attend and be prepared to discuss our ideas and strategies. I am looking forward to seeing you there!

When I arrived at the office, Jimin was there to greet me. Jimin and I have both been working at a major fashion magazine company for four years. And we achieved much success together in these four years.

I can now rely on him like a good friend.

The editor-in-chief, Mr. Jung Ho-seok, is one of the wealthiest men in the city. Jimin and I are the most trustworthy managing editors to him. The nature of our work in the office often entails a higher degree of responsibility and can be pretty demanding at times.

Jimin's touch was gentle as he held my hand, his fingers caressing mine as if reassuring me. His voice was soft and soothing, lulling me into calm. "Are you ready to start this ?" he asked, his words carrying a sense of anticipation.

Sure, let's go ahead with it. We both walked into the conference room together.

Following a long and productive meeting that lasted for an hour, Jimin and I finally felt a sense of accomplishment and let out a deep breath of relief. We couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of how smoothly everything had gone and how we managed to tackle all the challenges that had come our way.

Y/n, I must say that I am constantly impressed by your remarkable abilities. Your skills are truly exceptional and never fail to surprise me. Jimin gave me a thumbs up with a big grin on his face, clearly happy with what I had done.

Of course, Jiminshi, you should never doubt my aptitude. "(obviously, we should be satisfied with ourselves, and I always was."

Also, don't forget that I taught you many skills, so you should thank me like a good student! He was teasing me and pointed his finger in my direction.

As Jimin playfully gazed in my direction, I couldn't help but flash a smile his way. His playful demeanor was infectious, but I couldn't resist teasing him. "Oh really? How about I teach you how to hit someone over the head with a file?" I joked as I slowly lifted a file in my hand and lightly tapped him on the head.

Jimin's reaction was priceless as he quickly put his hand on his hair to fix it and giggled at my playful antics. "Y/N, stop! Please!" he exclaimed, still chuckling. Despite his protests, I could tell he was enjoying our little game. It was moments like these that made me grateful for our friendship and the joy we shared.

I happily returned to my office to do the rest of my work when I noticed a person waiting for me inside my cabin.

What are you doing here, and who are these flower bouquets for? I confusedly looked at the table where the bouquet of flowers was on

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