Twisted Fates

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Jungkook stirred awake, glancing at the clock to see it was already 1:00 pm.

Panic set in as he quickly realized that Y/n was nowhere to be found next to him in bed.

Without wasting a second, he sprang to his feet and swiftly looked around, but she was nowhere to be found.

As soon as he left the room, he realized she had vanished into thin air, sending a shiver down his spine.

He frantically began scouring every nook and cranny of the house, his heart pounding with fear and anticipation.

Goddamn it, where did she vanish to?

As he was on the verge of stepping out of the house, he saw her sitting alone in the yard. It hits him like a ton of bricks, leaving him dumbfounded and grateful all at once

Y/n's eyes were marked with tears, and he boldly approached her. He dared to place his hand on her shoulder, but y/n swiftly rose, shooting him a glare.

Get your fucking form out of my face before I rip it to shreds and feed it to you.

The hatred she felt towards Jungkook was beyond words.

Her strange conduct caught him off guard, causing his eyebrow to arch in surprise.

You know what? Jungkook, you are really something a sicko through and through, a complete pile of shit.

Damn it! I'm seething with anger at myself for allowing you to become a part of my life, thinking you were just a friend.

Who would've thought you were a twisted rapist? I had no clue, and now I'm filled with regret and rage.

What the fuck did you just say?" he snarled, his voice dripping with a bone-chilling fury. The intensity of his anger was palpable

Don't try to play innocent with me now. You're a messed up rapist, just like when you attacked me last night.

I used to believe you were clueless about what happened that first time, but now I know you were just playing it cool. You were one step ahead, using your sharp mind and keen perception to get what you wanted.

He exhaled slowly. Just so we're clear, I'm not a rapist. Cut out the slander because my feelings for you are genuine.

And mark my words, I'll take every chance I can to draw you nearer to me.

What the fuck is your problem? You call that love? Using me like a damn toy to fulfill your fucked up fantasies? You're a sick fuck, that's what you are.

Don't even try to act all innocent now!! You knew damn well what you were doing.

I was just... he was on the verge of speaking, but then he zipped it.

You what?? Explain yourself properly! I want it loud and fucking clear that you were forcefully ravaging me, just like a wild animal!

The intensity of her screams fueled his anger, causing his blood to bubble and boil like a damn volcanic eruption.

He took a step closer. Cut the crap, y/n! I'm not the person you're imagining.

Damn it! I can't deny that I go completely wild whenever you're near me, and I can't do a damn thing about it.

I had this crazy hope that someday you'd realize how much I loved you, but instead, you just kept strolling away like it was nothing.

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