And Awaken!

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As Y/n walked through the long winding corridors of the Prime Sanctum, seeing alot of dried blood in each room, he walked.

And walked

And walked

And walked.

As he walked further, he started noticing things he didn't see before. How everything seemed to flow in a certain direction, as if it was guiding him.

Bum. Bum.

His heart. Right. Beating a bit harder, but not as hard as before. Probably gotta be something to do with the angelic energy he just forced into his body. Probably also the cause for the funny feeling in his chest.

Bum. Bum.

He made it to an elevator, taking it down he found an open vault door. On the other side was Minos and Beelzebub, with Luther on her shoulders. Beel was asleep while Minos stood at the edge of the doorway on the other side, watching something, more accurately, someone.

"Hey Minos, how long have you guys been waiting?" Y/n walked next the the old king, looking out and seeing the golden figure, crossing his arms and waiting for him.

"It's been a few hours, time seems to pass differently for each room in hell"

Minos steps aside

"Go, he's been waiting a while now"

Y/n steps forward, jumping down into the large arena.

I'm the center, stands Sisyphus.

"I've been waiting, descendant"

Y/n chuckles

"Sorry for making it so long, gramps"

Sisyphus sneers at the comment

"You better make this worthwhile, I hate waiting."

They both ready their stance.

Bum Bum.

Y/n's heart beats just a bit louder.

"Trust me, I will"


The sound of both of them charging eachother rang out in the sanctum. They clashed fists, Sisyphus is more experienced, but Y/n can adapt quicker.

It was like Y/n flowed with the world, quickly deflecting Sisyphus' attacks and countering with his own.

They both lock eachother in a struggle, one trying to overpower the other. Sisyphus managed to send Y/n flying back, and while he caught himself, Sisyphus blasted himself forward and aimed to hit Y/n back further.


But Y/n was able to adapt in time, and quickly ducked before Slamming his fist into Sisyphus' stomach. While this happened, a large amount of energy built up in Y/n's core. A semi-perfect mixture of demonic and Angelic energy. It swirled together and surged forth into Y/n's fist, crackling with black energy.

It was incomplete, but it was a technique that the special born know.


The sudden burst of energy, Sisyphus went flying back across the arena and crashing into the wall. As Sisyphus pulled himself out, he saw Y/n just staring at his hand, trying to figure out how he managed to pull that off.

Sisyphus used the opportunity to try a surprise attack on Y/n, only for the attack to fall short as Y/n flicked his wrist and a wall shot from the ground and took the hit for Y/n. And as the debris and dust scattered around from Sisyphus' punch, Y/n snuck around and landed an extremely powerful punch, imbued with heavenly energy, that temporarily paralyzed Sisyphus.

Using that moment, Y/n grabbed the headless king and threw him against the closest wall.

As they both took a moment to catch their breath, Sisyphus spoke first.

"I can see that you're still getting used to your power. Upsetting really, I was hoping for a full meal today"

"Sorry, just got a new arsenal. Still gotta figure out how to use it y'know?" Y/n retorted.

Sisyphus huffed, "Very well then, let's hope you can figure it out before I kill you."

Y/n took his stance as Sisyphus took his, "Then I guess I'll have to learn quick."

Before either of them could do anything, a blue flash appeared behind Y/n

"Forgive me, my friend."

A shining blue arm struck straight through Y/n. Killing him instantly.

"This is how things are meant to be"

Y/n falls to the floor, blood pouring out of his open chest wound.

Sisyphus merely looks disappointed.

"Now why would you do that, Minos, things were starting to get interesting!"

Minos huffs, merely looking at Y/n's corpse.

"It was what needed to be done. This is how things are meant to play out"

Bum. Bum.

"How things are meant to play out?!" Sisyphus rages, "The first fight I get in hundreds of years is cut short by an old man's poor sense of judgement!"

Bum. Bum.

"My sense of judgment is-"

Before Minos could finish his sentence, multiple cracks of lightning struck down against the arena floor.

"What the-" Sisyphus begins to question before getting cut off.

"Well now, you guys just gonna forget about me after all that?"

Y/n hovered over the two, his power overwhelming.

"Let's get the real party started."

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