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"Making ma way down town. Walking fast, faces pass and I don't know the rest of the lyrics."

The person you hear singing right now is Y/n, L/n an honest man who only wishes to help. No matter how damaging it hurts him.

Fucking ringringring


"Y/n, buddy, I got something for ya. Come back to the house"

"Sure thing Sam, and I'll make ya pancakes."

"Actually I was thinking of ordering food tonight. Waddya think?"

"Do-.... do you not like my cooking?"

"Nonononono! It's not that! I just think we should try something else tonight. Is that alright with you?"

"Yeah Sam, it's alright"

"Alright. See ya"


The call ends and the other man you heard on the phone was Y/n partial caretaker and full-time roommate, Samuel Rodrigues. He had met Y/n At a Cafe and Y/n invited him over overtime they became close friends and Sam realized how fragile he is and moved in to protect him. Y/n is forever grateful towards him for it.


Y/n approaches his house and opens the door to greet his beloved pet snake, Luther.

"Howdy Luther, how are ya buddy?" A bloop from Luther is his response "Hehehe yeah, I know that feeling. How about we let you outta your cage."

Y/n carefully picks up Luther and carries him with him into the kitchen where Sam is seen scrolling through food pickup websites.

"Hey Samuel, Whaddya thinking for dinner?"

"I'm thinking bout pizza. Is that alright with you?"

"Perfect buddy!"

A blep from Luther is earned.

"Hahaha, alright Luther lemme getchu your dinner"

Y/n grabs a small bag filled with food for Luther and spends the next few minutes feeding Luther before he remembered that Sam had something for him

"Hey Sam?"

"What's up?"

"What's the thing you wanted to show me?"

"Oh! It's the new rug I got! Do you like it?"

"Oooooh it's very nice, very purple too. It also feels so...... warm"

"Uuuuh buddy?"

A head tilt from Luther was gained

Y/n had passed out in the floor snuggling up to the warm, purple, rug that Y/n took a very nice liking to. And as he slipped into the dream realm he saw a figure, a slim, curvy, and feminine figure.

He felt slightly afraid, but also calm. He felt like this figure had meant no harm, but do to living with Sam for so long he learned to never let his gaurd down. So he readied himself, prepared for anything and as the figure approached she bent down and got really close to his face and before he could realize it their lips touched and she pulled away. As Y/n was processing what just happened he was suddenly shook awake



"Dude you've been sleeping for hours yoy ok? Work ok? Is there something you're not telling me?"

"Nonono Sam I'm alright, I'm alright. I just had a really nice dream"

A blep from Luther is earned

"Hey little guy, don't worry I'm alright. So Sam, did you order the food yet?"

"Ordered it an hour ago. It arrived 5 minutes ago."

"Well I might aswell eat"

As Y/n eats his food he thinks back to his dream who was that woman? Why did she kiss me? Was any of that even real?

"Oooooh I hate to tease him like this but I need to wait for the perfect moment in order to get us together. Wait patiently my love we will be together soon"

He has yet to notice us. Hopefully he won't and I can live this story out to the fullest. See ya.

Love in a cold, dark, world.  (STASIS)Where stories live. Discover now