Sam comes to hell

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As Sam walks out if the portal he is greeted with a hallway with a door at the end of it. A door that takes him into an office with a small girl with puffy hair, square glasses, and who looks like they're about to fall apart. But that didn't matter to Sam. All he wanted was to get to Lucifer and get Y/n back.

"Welcome to hell's customer service, how may I help you?"

"You. How do I get to Lucifer?"

"You wish to speak with the queen herself? That will not be possible sir, she only allows people to visit her if it's important."

"This IS important"

"How so?"

"One of your fuckin DEMONS took my best and only friend Y/n. And I want him back"

"....? Took him? None of us are allowed to do that unless it's permitted by Lucifer herself or an archangel in heaven."

"Then explain why he was taken"

"Listen. I am way to fuckin tired for this if you grab me a cup of coffee all your questions will get answers."

"Hmph. Bitch."

Sam grabs a cup and fills it with some leftover coffee in the machine. He then returns to the demon and hands her the cup. As she takes a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong sip she becomes more active. Her horns grow to almost twice their original size. Her facial expression changes from a tired, broken, woman to a sadistic, cruel, fingersnapper.


She takes Sam hand and breaks his middle finger, bending it backwards.

"I am Pandemonica, the once tired demon now made the sadistic demon through the sheer power of your pathetic coffee making skills."

Sam snaps his finger back into place

"Take me to Lucifer. NOW"

...well shit

"Fuck. Alright come with me. I'll get you into the building that she resides in."

"Bout fuckin time"

The two start walking out if the office and towards an elevator that will take them out of the building. Once they get in they have time to talk. So I'm gonna make em.

"What's your name anyways? You just barge into hell and demand that you see Lucifer. No one in their right mind does that. Especially not a mortal like yourself"


"If you don't wanna talk that's fin-"

"Samuel Rodrigues. Or Jetstream Sam if you prefer. And the only reason I'm here is because of the fact that your boss has my friend and I want him back as I've said before."

"Hmmmm. Well your name doesn't ring a bell. And your Amazon choice katana isn't exactly scary either. And what's with your skin? It's metallic."

"If it doesn't. Good the less you know the better. And for this?" He holds his sheathed murasama out for her to see "is much stronger than you'll ever give it credit for."

"Yeah sure. Anyways we're at the bottom floor. So we can leave now."

"Lead the way Pandemonica."

They both exit the building and walk out into the street. They are both then noticed by a very lustful demon who, at the sight of Sam, latches on to him almost making him fall over.

"You and me. Now."

Sam picks her up by her arms. And tosses her 5 feet to the left.

"Alright let's go."

Modeus, finally processed what just happened, immediately jumped back at Sam. She latched onto his leg and let herself get dragged across the ground screaming and moaning.


"Get off me you fuckin-!"

"Modeus get off him. Im pretty sure he's going to fling you like a rat"


"You fuckin know her?"

"Yeah, she's mainly known as the lustful demon. Famous for her warped views of relationships and sex."

"What? How does one get such warped views on shit like that?"

"Honestly no one knows but if we try to ask she gets violent. Very violent"

At this point Modeus was sucking and biting his leg while crawling her way up to his waist

"JESUS FUCKIN- what will it take for you to just let. Me. Go!"

"Take me"

"I'll take you WITH me. But I'm not fucking you."

"....that is an acceptable deal BUT I will break you and the bed we do it on."

"My fuckin- alright fine. Atleast you're not dragging me down with you."

"Can we please get back on the road you two?"

"We will. And if you can't keep up the pace Modeus you're gonna be left behind!"

"I can assure you" she says while staring at his ass "that will not happen"

"Alright let's go we have shit to do"

The three are finally able to start the walk through of hell and make it to Lucifers office.

Group so far:

Sam, ex-wind of destruction

Pandemonica, the tired/sadistic demon

Modeus, the lustful demon

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