With This Supreme Husk...

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Y/n couldn't believe his eyes, his old friend standing right before him. But now, he's but a husk of who he once was.

"Y'know, you could say something. It's been a long time since we've last seen eachother, and I had to jump from Violence to get here."

Samuel Rodrigues. Now a Supreme Husk. Stands before Y/n, his eyes were like that of a wolf staring down it's prey. But Y/n showed no fear, infact, the only thing his eyes showed.

Was Perfect


"Damn, should've expected you to show back up. Since we're in hell and all. But to think you would go so far as to traverse hell just to see me. I don't know whether to he impressed or disgusted that you're so desperate."

Sam tried to get a word in, but he was quickly shut down.

"Don't even, Samuel. Words won't be able to sate the anger that has only grown since that day."

Y/n slowly takes a stance with one fist hovering on top the other.

"With a proper understanding of hells mass, you can make husks. The more power you put behind it, the stronger that husk can become."

Sam only watched as the room started to quake.

"With this sacred treasure, I summon."

The floor cracked as something slowly started rising from it. Hells mass slowly inching upwards and taking shape.

"8 Handled sword Divergent Sila Divine General"

It's skin was complete, and it was now covering itself in white armor. Wings protruding from his head and a long tail coming out the back.


It was incomplete, but it would suffice. A large hulking humanoid figure stood before the wind of destruction. It's sheer strength and speed would be able to match him.

"Y/n you crazy bastard."

Y/n simply walked to one of the walls, instinctively sensing where Beelzebub is.

"I'll leave him to you, Mahoraga"

A simple nod was all Mahoraga responded with, grinning maniacally as it finally gets to fight after a long time. Sam stood in place, sizing up against the hulking mass of flesh. Before taking a stance and readying himself to face off against the world's toughest opponent, second only too the Honored One.

Back when the first Honored One was born, his very awakening shook the foundations of both heaven and hell. It took a large amount of time, but with the combined forces of the angels of Heaven and Gabriel, along with the Demons of Hell, with Lucifer. Their combined efforts, they managed to push back the Honored One. But when he was backed into a corner, he created something that was Heresy against life itself.

Treacherous against God, and monstrous in power. A mix of both Demonic energy and Angelic energy, Mahoraga was born. It easily took out the strongest fighters on both sides. Lucifer was bloodied on the ground as Gabriel took his blades and dueled the hulking mass, leaving the fallen angel to fight the Honored One alone.

The battle was many centuries ago, and many reincarnations, but the way to create Mahoraga was inscribed within the power of the Honored One. This made it easy to call upon its strength. Y/n didn't even know its full potential, he just knew it was enough to kill Sam without having to look at him.

Sam attempted to catch Maho by surprise, but it was futile as Maho easily deflected the attack and slammed its fist into Sam's stomach and sent him flying into the wall behind him. He only barely managed to dodge the incoming punch by a few inches. This marked the start of the battle.

Sam was on the defensive for the most of the fight, having to deflect Mahoragas attacks with his blade. Which only got more and more chips, and duller as the fight progressed. From a mix of punches and kicks, to even a slash that Sam hardly expected. Sam slowly ran out of energy, and could hardly stand.

Mahoraga knew this, and kept toying with him cause it's what Y/n wanted. He wanted Samuel to suffer for what he did. And Mahoraga will deliver.

A swift right punch, followed by a quick left, ended with a stomp that bore a hole in the ground. Mahoraga knew exactly how to make this last as long as possible. It picked Sam up by the scruff of his neck, and stabbed him, not once, not twice, but thirty-six times. Once it was done filling him with holes, it slashed Sam's arm off, and quickly took the other one. It threw Sam close to the hole Y/n made to get out, as Sam stood up, resembling more and more as a filth. Mahoraga giggled slightly at his form, then kicked him out. Just before slashing someone who had come up right behind him.

Sam tumbled down the Pyramid, his body aching, his blood gushing out. His whole body hurt, and he just wanted it to be over. But when he tried to stop his fall, he only pushed himself further from the pyramid. Leading him to fall directly behind Y/n, staring up at him. Y/n only looked back, cringing in disgust, then crushing Sam's head under his foot, killing him instantly.

Back with Mahoraga, it stared down at the corpse it sliced in half. It was a man with two swords, both having balance engraved on them. Mahoraga knew this man as Doriamis, from Y/n's memories. It wondered briefly why it was here, and why it never said anything. But the man is dead now, and he doesn't need to be worried about anymore. Mahoraga then slipped out of it's body, allowing it to dissolve and crumble to the floor.

Y/n caught up with Beel and Minos. He spotted Luther laying on Beels lap, and immediately scooped him up and hugged him.

"Oooh Luther, there you are! I was worried when I couldn't find you on my shoulder!"

Beel smelt the stench of blood, but very faintly.

"Y/n dear, what happened while you were gone?"

Y/n only answered with a cold response.

"Just finishing up some unfinished business"

Beel was unsure of what that meant, but decided it was best not to press further.

Minos was finally awake now, so he decided to get everyone going.

"The entrance to Wrath is now opened up, we should get going now."

They all walked through the gate, and fell downwards into Wrath. The Styx filled with the Sullen.

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