Act I climax

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Y/n caught the blade with his bare hands, he could feel the overwhelming heat Emitting off of it. His body, charged with the power he gained. And Sam, shocked that his friend caught his blade, in the defense of a DEMON no less. He asked one simple question.

"Y/n. Why?"

"I don't know why you're attacking Sam. You always preached to me about asking first and attacking later. And here you are, attempting to strike someone you know nothing about."

"They're a DEMON Y/n. A monster of the worst kind"

"How could you say that? Beelzebub is the nicest person I've ever met! You never even got to know her!"

"....don't tell me, you LOVE that creature?!"

"That's not who she is! She may have looked like a monster but there's more! More to see, more to know, if you'll just take a chance and learn!"

"NO! I will not lose you to some monster!"

"Then you are lost, Sam"

"So are you."

Y/n threw Sam's blade away, knocking it to the side. He then threw a punch that flew Sam back several feet. He quickly dashed I'm Sam's face before unleashing an uppercut and launching him above the (metaphorical) clouds. Y/n jumped up where Sam was and knocked him back down to the ground with a mighty slam. Sam gets back up and notices his blade right at the edge of the crater he was lying in. And with Y/n coming down from the sky he knew he only had mere seconds till his life was over. So he composes himself and makes his way towards his blade. Taking it in his hand, he sheaths it in an old familiar way. He readies his stance and prepares to strike. He sees Y/n coming down from the skies and he prepares.





A single cut was made. Blood spilled, but not Y/n's or Sam's. But Luther's.

Y/n's eyes went wide, he'd completely forgotten that Luther was on his shoulder. He'd been hissing at him the whole time, and he ignored him. Sam's eyes went wide as well, he'd forgotten that Luther even EXISTED in the first place. His vengeance and his anger blinded him and he'd forgotten what was there and what wasn't. Sam looked at Y/n and he was on his knees, cradling the head that Sam had mercilessly chopped off. Y/n was crying, tears rolling down his cheeks as Luther's lifeless head lie there in his hands. All this shock, from his friend attacking him, to Luther dying in his hands, broke Y/n. All of the pent-up rage that lay dormant beneath him exploded In a whirlwind of hatred and rage. Formulated as the prime energy his soul had. Nothing filled his thoughts anymore, nothing except the death of his beloved snake. Everything around him started to quake, Sam, Beel, Lucifer, and the very realm around them started shaking. Y/n had one last thing to say to his former friend.

"Samuel, may it be known on this day. That no matter what happens. YOU WILL NEVER KNOW PEACE!"

And Y/n started rising, rising into the air all the energy tearing his body apart. His flesh was ripped and torn. And in his hands, he formed a ball, a ball made of pure light. It grew bigger and bigger and bigger as Y/n rose higher and higher into the sky. And as the ball grew to maximum height. He shouted


And down it came, straight towards Samuel. It burned and scorched the sky that it came across and left only light. And as Samuel knelt and accepted his fate, he uttered one small phrase.

"I'm sorry, but I know no matter how much I say it. You'll never find it in your heart to forgive me. You bastard child."

And Samuel Rodrigues was consumed by the light that burns the sky and the void was basked and covered in light. Destroying the realm and creating a new one at the same time. Limbo, the realm between realms, was formed and Y/n stared down at the spiritual remains of his former comrade, with hatred and rage. But his body was different now. All that energy tore his physical form apart at the seams, but he held himself together. His new body being a brilliant golden yellow, with a spiritual snake wrapped around his neck like a scarf, he opened a rift in realms and gestured for Beel to come through. But Beel was still in shock at what happened, she had never seen the raw strength of a Prime Soul before. She only heard of it through tales told by others. But to see it, from her beloved no less, is something truly magical.

"Hey, you coming or not? We have prime souls to find"

Beel quickly composed herself and apologized

"Sorry love, just still in shock at the wonderous display you put on"

"Thanks, but we got people to find, so let's go"


Lucifer commands. Honestly, Y/n didn't even know she was there

"If you dare to seek the prime souls then heed my warning, if heaven receives word that you're going on this quest then they will do anything in their power to stop you."

"And you're not gonna?"

"Not after that display, no."

"Wise choice, see ya"

"You're not gonna heed my warning?"

"And you're going to do what about it?

"Fucking fair"

"Better be. Let's go, Beel"

"Of course darling"

And with that, Y/n and Beel leave the newly formed Limbo and Lucifer goes back to her office. The demons that were once prisoners in the void now have a chance to start anew. But they choose violence again. Because without a leader, they are lost. And with how cold it is in the white, empty, void. Why would they care for each other? It's every demon for themselves. We'll come back here in a bit. We have some catching up to do with Y/n's journey. Farwell, and see you all in ACT II.

ACT II: A Prime Search.

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