Zoom call from God

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I've been falling for a long while now. I feel like I should be used to this feeling of falling. Falling deeper and deeper into the darkness of the abyss. But now...... it hurt..... did he want to get rid of me? Was I not good enough? He said something, but I wasn't able to hear it. He just walked off before I could say anything, nor could I even begin to move. I had reflexively tensed my muscles, afraid of letting go, but there's no one there to hang on to. For once in a very long time..... I feel cold.... It's so cold.... falling deeper and deeper into the pit that Y/n needed to go through in order to finish what we started. All I can ask is why, why throw me down this pit, why ruin what we had? Did Sam really get to him, and he broke and shoved me down? I need answers. I need answers. I NEED ANSWERS. As soon as that last thought escaped my mind, I hit the floor. I opened my eyes and saw the white and gold walls of the place supposed to hold the prime soul we needed to find. The doors across the room seem to taunt me, wanting me to walk through it, and trap myself inside. Trap myself.... in what? There's something... something extremely dangerous on the other side, calling, screaming at me. Telling me to give myself up and trap myself inside. It's dangerous, very dangerous. Could Y/n even take it? Could he even manage to kill it? Would Y/n even come back?! All these thoughts swarming through my mind, I hate to admit it, but I was trembling. I felt the strength in my arms leave as I passed out on the floor.


Blood. So. Much. Fucking BLOOD!

"Jesus fucking christ why is this place so bloody? Like, I get it, I know that I'm fighting through what could be considered small army, but for fucks sake! How would I even wash this off? Maybe Beel knows how to sow.... I miss her already." I dash through the rooms of Gluttony, following the chimes of church bells. Blowing off parts and groups of hell's denisens as I punch a mindflayer into the fleshy walls of the weird mixture of insides, somehow blowing a dent into it. "Ugh. Gross." I finish off the rest of the disgusting groups of weaklings that barely know how to fight. I jump down the hole to the next level in the layer. The chimes grow louder and louder like they're trying to break through as I fall the chimes pound against my head.





I feel its endless chimes. My skull vibrates. My mental fortitude shatters as a voice assaults my eardrums.


He sounds like fucken Gianni.


Now I'm upset I stand and slowly walk through the level. "Are you the asshole responsible for the chiming in my eardrums? If so, then I'm going to slam your head against the fleshy pavement." That seemed to set something off in him, as he responded quickly."YOU BELIEVE YOU COULD TAKE THE STRENGTH OF AN ANGEL?" So I was right in my first assumption," I WILL GRIND YOU INTO DUST.  REDUCE YOU TO ATOMS. AND BRING YOUR HEAD RIGHT OFF YOUR SHOULDERS!" Oof. He's got some issues. I crawl through the space tighter than Beelzebub's asshole and pop out the other end. I can feel him staring down at me, and then I'm hit with the most beautiful idea. As I approach the (totally not prepared arena), I say, "It sounds like someone has daddy issues" "I DO NOT HAVE DADDY ISSUES. I AM PAPA'S SPECIAL FUCKING BOY!" Holy shit that made him upset. He slammed me against the ground and threw me across the arena, he then proceeded to drag me across the ground and beat me repeatedly.

I kick him off of me and throw more insults at him, thinking that if I manage to piss him off enough, I can use that as a window to catch a mistake. "Oh really? Cause all I see is someone who about to get their ass beat by a mortal!" I can fucking see him seething through his helmet as he throws a barrage of spears at me. They are about as fast as a bullet, and I use part of my power to dodge all of them. However, activating my power seemed to give the angel a hint as to what I am. He immediately stopped what he was doing and flew back and seemed to be in deep thought.

Gabriel POV

There's no possible way.

I killed both of them.

Could he be..... a descendant?

It's possible, but of who?

That movement, someone at his age, shouldn't be able to have such grace and technique when dodging.

Even setting aside the fact that he sped up a small area around him, he dodged perfectly.


I watch the angel deeply root himself in thought until he seems to come to an epiphany. He stares up at the heavens, and then he looks down at me. "Child, of the scorching sands of greed. We will meet again, and you will suffer the same fate as the king." He vanishes in a pillar of light, leaving me with his final words. "may your woes be many, and your days few" I watch this happen and think to myself...... am I forgetting something?



I blitz back around the previous areas, quickly getting to the place where we found the door. I wanted her to be safe while I cleared out the angel, but I got carried away. She's been there for a few hours now, I'm going to have hell to pay for this. I managed to get back to the door, seeing that it's still open. I jumped down the hole, and I felt the cold breeze surround me as I fell and relaxed my muscles. I feel the fatigue of my power and hit the ground face first, landing on the cold, hard floor of the sanctum. I look up and see a very angry fly standing in front of me. I feel the pull of a prison, practically trying to drag me into it. But I have something more pressing to take care of......

Love in a cold, dark, world.  (STASIS)Where stories live. Discover now