"Forgive Me, My Children"

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It was the father that created the world.

And it was the Father that created Hell

But, after seeing his own mistakes.

He left.

And the void of his absence, allowed something much, much more terrifying than Hell.

It crawled out from in-between time and space, through the void that the Father left behind. It's flesh was scalding. It's bones were charred. And with it. Came a Crimson Red Infinity that swallowed up all it touched. As it traversed the realm The Father cared for so much. It saw the hyperintelligence of Hell, the Father's greatest mistake, and instantly it knew what it wanted to do with this world.

It approached the monster. It's fingers twitching with excitement. And it offered a deal.

"I will grant you power only your Father could dream of. As long as you give me a show for all to enjoy."

Hell took it's words into thought. For about three seconds. Before it took the deal, now it was able to recreate events prior to the machines entrance. It was able to create the Father's Light. It was able to detach itself from God's creations and make itself it's own world.

It grew.

And grew.

And grew.

Until it reached the mass of the moon.

It's insides are layers upon layers of complex rooms and flesh. It's own realm for it to control. It's power was beyond that of what it used to be.

The creature from beyond, satisfied with the pieces it put into place. Sat back to watch it all unfold before it's eyes, one thing caught it's eye though. It's that in place of the old Hell moving on to its new existence as the moon. Another similar hell was beginning to be constructed. A place for sinners to go, and this one was ruled by the reincarnation of the fallen angel.


This incarnation began making its own version of hell, and it grew into cities within their own respective rings.

But there was something off about the creature that came from the Father's absence, it radiated power. It was similar to that of the Father, but it felt like something more. Like the flesh and bone it donned when traversing the world, was nothing more than a mask worn by it to make it easier to communicate.

The real mind radiated from the Crimson Red Infinity that came behind it.

There was only one way to describe it.



All consuming.


But there's one thing that this being cannot control nor predict.

One gifted with an innate balance of life and death.

The Honored One.

No soul that knows of its existence knows how it manages to evade the eye of this Chaotic God. But The Honored One does it well.

Time can only tell how things will end, down in treachery.

But it will be GLORIOUS.

Love in a cold, dark, world.  (STASIS)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz