Got the guts

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After the second death of Minos, Beel and Y/n started making their way through the weird gluttony realm inside Minos' stomach. Wading through stomach acid


"Yes, dear?"

"How come you're not affected by the acid?"

"I'm not really sure. It feels kinda tingly against my waist, though."

"You sure it's not me~"


Before Beel could gasp, they were shot by a mindlfayer that was hiding behind the wall of flesh. Beel quickly blasted it with a swarm and then turned back to Y/n

"What do you mean, yes?!"

Y/n blocked and destroyed a cerberus sitting in the corner of the room. "I mean, it's not a good tingle it not necessarily a bad one either. So, not it's not you. " Y/n keeps carrying Beel, and they come to a long drop.

"You want me to drop you down there?" Y/n asked, snickering to himself

"You better not!" Beel shouts, she lightly smacked Y/n across the back of the head

Y/n just laughs as he takes a step and drops down the hole. They land in a pool of blood, and Y/n tosses Beelzebub onto the platform. As Y/n climbs up too, they notice three Cerberus sitting in the center. "Hey Beel," Y/n asks, "How come there's an actual Cerberus, and then there's these things?"

"They're mock names," Beel retorts, drying her hair. "They were given the nickname based on how good they are at being bodyguards. Thus, they are called Cerberus. "Y/n listens to Beel's explanation, then tells her to go towards the door. They've seen something like this before. They know the cerberus will wake up, so the plan is to pincer them. Just as Beel reaches the door on the other side, the Cerberus awakens and starts attacking. Then Y/n and Beel overwhelm them with a flurry of demonic energy and a swarm of Locusts. "Hey, Beel, how come your Locusts can slice through malicious faces and cerberus? Aren't those things rock?"

"Curious today, aren't we? The Locusts are a special type that don't just tear at the flesh. They tear at the soul, but in exchange for this question answered, I want one answered too"

"Go ahead, shoot," Y/n says, stretching in preparation for the next room

Beel looks him dead in the eye and asks, "Who was your father? Why don't you ever want to think about him?"

Y/n freezes, he looks at Beel with a cold stare. But he answers, "Can't remember,"

"Bullshit!" Beel yells, "then how come you always get so stiff when talking about him!?"

"That's not something you'll be able to understand."

"Oh yeah, the woman who spent thousands of years in a literal abyss can't handle a little trauma!"

"You shut the fuck up!" Y/n Screams. The room is dead silent, Beel is stunned. "The reason I don't talk about him is because I can't remember him. Not his face, not his name, nothing! It scares me that something might've happened that he seemed to be erased....."

"Y-y/n i-"

"Sam told me he was a good man, that he loved and cared for nearly everyone he met. He held a high moral ground for everyone around him to stand on. He told me that I was named after him, I just can't understand why I don't remember. What happened?"

Y/n is seen visibly breaking down and crying now, Beel feels extremely guilty and ashamed. She grabs Y/n's shoulder, and he leaps into her arms and cries. He cried for nearly 10 minutes, slowly calming down. Both of them stayed like that for a few more minutes, and then Beel kissed Y/n and said, "Y/n, dear, I am sorry about my actions. I pushed a subject I shouldn't have, I got upset even though I had no right to be. I'm so sorry." Y/n responds with "Don't worry, I'm not upset. It's just not a subject that is entirely comfortable for me to talk about." they keep holding each other until they're sure they're ready to let go

They separate and continue onwards into a room filled to the brim with enemies, Y/n merely whacks away their blasts back at them and takes out an entire group. As this was happening, Beel started swarming the area and making the rest of them rot away. They were walking up to the door when Y/n suddenly felt a sharp pang against his head. Like a call from somewhere below.

"Beel, let's scan the area. There's something here,"

"What do you mean? Can you feel another enemy nearby?"

Y/n doesn't answer and simply starts walking across the bridges in the dark, open room. His steps echo throughout the rooms wide cavern. His hand, resting on his head, holding it as it pounded against his skull. He seemed to walk in a trance and soon came to a stop against a different door that was shrouded in the darkness of the cavern. "Here. It's in here." Y/n exclaimed as he shuffled through and came across a large door, enscryped on it were protective sigils that were meant to prevent anyone from entering. Y/n merely waved the sigils off and pushed open the door with a grunt. Beel stood and watched with astonishment. She could feel something radiating from the other side. Once the large stone door was pushed apart, a mechanical-like entrance revealed itself. But it was shrouded in holy energy. Beel hesitated, but she was pulled through by Y/n, and before they reached the drop, Y/n embraced her in a hug. Beel didn't know why Y/n was hugging her at a time like this. Maybe he was happy that he finally found who he was looking for? But her answer would come as she was pushed into the hole, and Y/n stood there, a contempt look on his face.

"Wait for me down there, ok?"

Those were the last words Beel heard before she lost sight of her beloved.

"Now. Where are you, angel?"

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