Audience with the King

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It was all I could say after what had happened. It seemed like a blur, but I remember the events so clearly.....

We were riding on the cart that took us across the subway towards the abandoned throne of the king of Lust, but the rails ahead were blocked off by a large gate. Beel had noticed another one of those.... fuckin..... skull holder things... ALTAR! It was an altar. So I hopped off the cart and walked through the rest-stop and found the skull that went on the altar, and when I got back to the cart, Beel and Modeus were talking about some banging they had heard on the other side.


"What is it, Modeus?"

"Did you hear that?"


"Hear.... what?"


"That banging from the other side of the wall"


"Hold on..."




".....I hear it"


"Yeah! So I'm not crazy!"


"Could that be....?"


"Him? Without a doubt"


"It's getting louder"


"We need to get Y/n back here"




"Beel. Call him back"


It was at this point that I arrived back at the cart

"No need. Is everything alright? And what's that banging noise?"

"Y/n, dear, get back in the cart"

"Got it"

I hopped back into the cart, and we rode down the tracks again, the peace lasted about 10 seconds before a MASSIVE FUCKING HAND drove itself into our path. "Are you shitting me!" I shouted, Beel had started to swarm it with locusts, but Modeus yelled at her."That's not gonna work! It's already dead, you can't fill it with locusts!" She had taken out her Warhammer and just fucking smacked it around, she had a good swinging arm. And she naked it until a wall, which I took as a chance to blast it with demonic energy (intermission moment. Let's talk about the different demonic BALLERs of energy you can fire. If you've played ultrakill, then you know that there are Basic Bitch Baller, and Super Seeker Shitsack. You get both. And no, you don't get the green one from the rat. You essentially have FULL AUTO, and FULLER AUTO. K, intermission done) I launched a bunch of homing missles at it, and it then backed off.

"Hey modeus?"

"Yeah Y/n what's up?"

"What the fuck was that?"


"You smacked the fucking thing against the wall with little to no effort"

"Do you know, HOW MANY handjobs i give daily?"

"Is it triple digits?"


"Fucking christ"

Beel had grabbed us and dragged us back down to the cart, she pulled me against her chest as the cart moved once again. During the slow movement the cart was making, We talked about manga and anime. Which I didn't know was something Beel enjoyed until she said, "I personally enjoy one piece" I had nearly slipped out of her arms when she said that

"Wait, what?"

"I enjoy one piece. It's a pretty good story."

"If you want a story, read Jojos' bizzare adventure."

"And feel the scoliosis seep through the pages? Please."

"Oh fuck off with that. You could easily do a lot of those poses with enough stretching and practice. Scoliosis, my ass!"

"Oh? What about those long-ass 'stand rushes' you weirdos have?"

"The seven page muda is legendary, you shut the fuck up"

Modeus saw how we were getting heated and tried to change the topic with "Well... I really like One Punch Man..... it's really cool" Beel and I had stopped arguing. We looked at her as she finished her sentence, then Beel said, "I think it's nice too. The characters look nice." I chimed in with."Oh yeah, I have to agree with you there. Tatsumaki? S-tier." "I'm not even gonna stop you there," Beel said in agreement. we didn't even notice where we were heading until we hit a stop, "the hell?" I asked, getting up and walking into what seemed to be an exit. But it was blocked off by rubble and rocks, in front of it was a red skull.

"Goddammit- Hey Beel"

"What is it?"

"We got a red skull here. Did you see an altar anywhere for it?"

"I think I saw one back a bit,"

"Sweet, thanks."

We rode back to a rest stop we passed and placed the red skull on an altar. Just before anything could happen, Modeus pushed us aside and away from the room as the door locked itself. "This is my fight." She said before the whole subway shook.

Modeus POV

Part of me wanted their help, but I knew that they would only get in the way of what I needed to do. Since birth I've been nothing but a slut, a hole for people to use. If I truly am of the same blood as the corpse standing above me today.... I'll prove it!

"Come at me!"


It slammed its fist into the ground, blowing me back, and I slammed into a wall. I felt my bones crack under the pressure, but I persisted. I swung my Warhammer at it and parried its punch, causing it to stumble back. I could almost see something moving behind the eye of Minos, but I ignored it and parried an incoming fist. It held its head, and snakes came popping out of its eyes. It started blasting balls of demonic energy, I couldn't parry them, so I had to doge. But I was too slow, and one of them grazed me. The other was a homing attack and blasted the left side of my face.

It thought me dead. It thought me finished. So it brought its fist down for one more strike. But I had one last swing in me, I parried the strike and brought it to the ground! I stood tall and victorious, but it had one more trick up its sleeve. It drew power from somewhere; something gave it the strength to persist. It created an artificial black hole! I didn't even see it, I only knew after it hit. I felt a heavy constricting pain in my chest, and one of the snakes was still alive! It used up its last energy and blasted me........

Beel POV

As I sit here, comforting Y/n in my arms. I relay the last bits of what just unfolded before us. Y/n was pounding against the door, begging and screaming at Modeus to open the door. But it was too late. Modeus took the final hit, and Y/n slumped against the door as it opened back up again. I helped him to pay respects to our lustful friend, and we continued. The soul of Minos is close, I can hear his wails.

Minos POV

I feel it, I feel him getting closer. And yet...... I hear the call of my descendant no more...

Modeus...... I'm sorry

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