Damn, its dark as fuck in here.

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Y/n and the gang had made their way though the Greed layer rather quickly, making short work of the husks that walked along the sand. Along with the occasional rainbow variant, they made short work of them.

They now stood in the middle of a dark room, Y/n took a deep breath and started making his way down the pitch black room. His eyes still not adjusting to the darkness, so he has yet to realize...

That he is lost as fuck

"Hey Beel, do you have a lantern? It's really dark in here... Beel? Beel!?" Y/n looks around, still not seeing shit. He starts running around, calling Beels name. He frantically searches the endless darkness and stumbles over a railing, falling into the darkness.

Beel, on the other hand, was doing just fine. She had millions of fly soldiers to help guide her through the rooms, she knew that Y/n ran off somewhere but still wasn't able to find him. Which was strange, she heard him trip earlier didn't she? Her flies also picked up the vibrations from Y/n's shambling. But, where the hell did he go? It's just like he.... dissapeared...

"....Where did he go? And for a matter of fact, where did Minos go? We entered this building together, didn't we? So where did we get lost?"

Beel continued to wander around the darkness, the room slowly becoming more and more undistinguishable. It was like am infinite abyss that Beel couldn't walk out of.

Suddenly, like a flashbang thrown into the abyss, a spotlight appeared. It shone brightly on a pedestal carrying a singular book. Beel walked closer, wondering where the spotlight came from, and tracing a hand along the spine of the novel as she read the title.

The Balance of The Honored One

Demonic energy, made from the negativity and sins of humanity that are combined with the weak souls of those who chose to do nothing with their life.

Wielded by the inhabitants of hell.

Heavenly energy, made from God's light and harnessed through the angels will that grants them the power they display.

Wielded by the angels of heaven.

The balance between the two. Wielded by none of sound mind that are only crafted to contain heavens fears. A perfect black sphere that syphons the life of those it touches.

When The Honored One is born. They will master the balance between the disgraced and the holy. Between The Father and His greatest Mistake.

Throughout all of earth and heaven. Down to the deepest depths of hell.

Y/n alone, is the Honored One.

The rest is indistinguishable. But Beelzebub understood the message completely, Y/n is something more than what they originally believed.

He was something stronger. Not just a prime soul, but a perfect fusion between the sanctity of heaven and the depravity of hell.

This very thought. This realization.

It scared Beelzebub

The thought that if Y/n unlocks his full potential, he could be strong enough to wipe out everything. All of God's creations, everything within Hell, even Lucifer back in her prime.

Y/n is a greater force, contained within the purity of his own body.

Beel was stunned into silence, unable to formulate any form of cognitive thought. That was until she was teleported back into the sunlight.

She was outside now, where exactly, she didn't know. But there was a massive, looming, pyramid right beside her. Along with that, Minos was on the floor next to her with Luther sunbathing right next to him.

Quickly, Beel slammed her fist into Minos' stomach. Causing him to wake up with a jolt and some blood spewing out of his face hole.

The impact caused Luther to wake up aswell.

"Minos! Is this where you've been the entire time!? Y/n's still lost where we were before and I don't know where he is! I got trapped in a dark room with a book saying something about 'an Honored one' and I just...."

Beel finally stops rambling and lies down on the platform.

"I just took in alot and I'm not sure how to handle it"

Thankfully, Minos caught the important part.

"Wait, did you mention something about an Honored one?"

"Yes, there was a book and it said that Y/n was the Honored One and that he will unite heavenly and demonic powers"

Minos then immediately began to panic

"The Honored One?! Y/n's the fucking Honored One!?" He thought, the information he gathered back when he was the judge of hell. One thing in particular caught his eye, there was little to no information about it.

Back when Minos was the judge of hell, he got very few breaks. But when he did, the old king enjoyed to spend his time reading. Among all of the books in his library, one stood out as something interesting to note. It was a book that contained the story of someone who mastered both angelic and demonic energy, someone who called himself...

The Honored One

And his technique was seemingly never passed down genetically. It was always random whenever someone liked him appeared. Minos never thought that he would see the day of another Honored child being born into this world.

"Beelzebub. Do you know what this means?"

Beel looked over at the old king, exhausted and tired.

"What, Minos?"

"Y/n will kill me someday. Sisyphus too."

Beel immediately snapped up. Looking at Minos like he just blew his own head off.

"I'm sorry?"

"You heard me. Y/n will kill me someday, it's how things have always gone."

Beel was just even more confused.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

But Minos refused to elaborated further, he simply laid back down and fell asleep.

Beel, not getting an answer from Minos, decided to stay awake and wait until Y/n came back.

But Y/n had bigger issues to worry about.

And blood to shed across these scorching sands.

Don't keep him waiting, Honored Child.

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