Y/n's intense training (with new demons)

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Y/n is seen in an intense fight with a rouge demon. Clashing magic, slamming fists in clashes, and harnessing their power to try to gain the upper hand. Y/n is shown dashing around channeling his magic into balls of demonic energy and flinging them at the demon. While the demon is dodging and throwing knives and its own balls of energy. Y/n tries to charge up a flurry of energy to send toward the assailant, during this the demon charges landing a blow on Y/n's stomach and sending him flying backward towards and into a wall. He coughs up blood as he stands up.

"Come on! Don't you wanna be strong!? Show me your true power!"

Y/n tries to ignore his words and keeps his emotions in check. Getting back up and healing his wounds


The demon smacks Y/n away again causing him to skid into the ground. Y/n can feel it surging inside of him, despite his best efforts it starts taking control.

"Well? Come on! Show me your true power! Or are you scared!? You weak piece of-"

And that was it. The energy exploded into a bright aura around Y/ns body, and feeling the heat Emmitt off of it, Y/n charged in the blink of an eye and slams his fist into the stomach of the demon uttering a single phrase


"Hehehe, I knew you had it in you!"

The next two minutes can only be described as a massacre. Y/n beating the demon around and around, moving in and out in the blink of an eye. Time seemed to slow down for Y/n, seeing an after-image behind him. Pushing himself further and further until.

It stops.

Time stops.

He feels the sudden shift and stops the attacks. Looking around and noticing how everything has stopped, the demon stopped moving, stuck in mid-air, and how other demons had started to gather around him. How much time has passed? He walks around the crowd, noticing how they all have weapons in their hands. They planned to take him on, wearing him down until they were able to get the kill. Beel had told him the dangers of this place, the void is used to store high-end criminals. But the only reason Prime souls aren't held captive here is because of how powerful they are and how it's foretold they have the ability to rip into the fabric of realms and travel from the living world to Heaven, Hell, and the void. So, to train your power, you went out and sought out some of the criminals that were out there and take them down. But you never expected it to go this far.

"Well, guess it's about time I end this"

Y/n takes all his energy and unleashes it in a massive blast, forcing time to start again and eradicating all the demon's around him turning them to dust. He makes his way back home before he is tackled by a very scared and angry Beelzebub

"Y/n! Where the fuck were you?! I was so worried when you vanished!"

"Beel! Shit, I'm sorry I didn't know how long I was gone."

"YEAH, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! I was scared you had run away from me!"

"Beel, Beel, please calm down. I just wanted to test my skills in an actual combat situation."

"Did all that power flow to your head or something?! You could've just asked and I would've been there to help you in case things got dicey!"

He had to admit, all the power surging through his body had made him feel powerful. But he had to stay calm. He had to stay humble. He knew how immense power could corrupt people, he's right next to an example. Beel had noticed the immense growth in strength and attempted to overthrow Lucifer. During this she was swiftly and ruthlessly, shut into the void as punishment. And as they approached the mansion Y/n suddenly felt extremely tired, either from the sudden burst of power or something else.

He collapsed right there. And was brought into an extremely bright light, sitting in a chair he saw a man. Or rather, the corpse of a man. With His body being that of a rotting, decayed, corpse and His head being cracked and chipped like porcelain. He spoke, but what He said never registered in Y/n's head, what felt like moments was hours. What felt like hours were moments. It was like he was stuck in limbo. Then the man stood, his glowing red eye looking down at him and the white orb in his left socket radiated almost chaotic energy. Harnessed to his will.


Y/n woke up back in the mansion, being cuddled, or better told Crushed, by Beel.

"Hey, Beel think you could let go? You're crushing me."

"Sorry, it's just that when you suddenly collapsed I was so worried that you were gonna die on me andsoiwantedtoholdyouincaseitreallywasyourlastmomentsand"

"Beel! Beel! Calm down! I'm not gonna die on you! Just calm down, please, I just overworked my body that's all. Just calm down, here"

Y/n wrapped his arms around Beel and brought her close. The heat of his body comforted Beel, allowing her to comfortably fall back asleep.

Move name: Made In Heaven

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