Sams dilemma

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It was early in the morning when it all started. Y/n headed out for work while Sam decided to play with Luther for a while. It's not like he never played or interacted with Luther, but it was difficult due to the fact that whenever Y/n was around he would have Luther all bundled up around him. So he took the time to play games with Luther and just talk.

"So, Luther, what was it like for you when Y/n first brought you into this house?"

A nervous face is gained from Luther as Sam moves a piece. The game they're playing? Chess. And no don't ask how a snake knows how to play chess.

"Nervous eh? How so?"

Luther lifts his head up to reveal a scar underneath his head just at the neck line. Seeing this Sam jumps back in shock.

"LUTHER WHO DID THAT TO YOU?! Is it alright??? Was it treated?!"

Luther attempts to calm Sam down. While he can't properly tell Sam how it happened he can indeed inform him that he is alright. Y/n almost immediately noticed and treated the wound carefully.


"Oh you poor sweet child. Your neck is cut hmmmmm. Here I'll disinfect it and clean it, then I'll put a bandage over it. Is that alright with you...? I just realized I haven't given you a name yet. Oh I feel terrible first the cut and now your name! Well, let's go through a list of names as I clean the wound. Is that alright with you?"

A shakey nod is gained from the cobra

"Hm..... Freddy?" A shake of the head accidentally making the stinging pain worsen as the cobra flinches. "Oh! Don't do that buddy. It'll just make it hurt more. How about.... Chara?" A slight shake of the head is gained from the cobra as he tries to ensure that he won't accidentally worsen the pain agian. "Hm... Oh! I know! How about Luther?!" An excited nod is earned from Luther and he holds his head up as Y/n wraps the bandages around his head. "Well it's settled, Luther welcome to the family!"


"Ugh! How could I be that Stupid! To just so easily forget that Y/n had you wrapped in bandages for 6 weeks! I feel like a bad co-owner"

Luther wraps himself on Sam's arm to help him feel better. And it works

"Thanks little guy, I needed the encouragement. Well, I guess this chess match is over. I wanna see if this carpet is as good as y/n says it is."

Sam lays down on the carpet and immediately feels what Y/n was talking about. He slowly starts to feel the warmth and feels like he's sinking in to it.

"This feels amazing. It's like I could lie in this all day"

As Sam slips further and further into a dreamstate he hears a voice

"You aren't Y/n"

Its a harsh and cold voice. Like it came from the abyss itself. It puts Sam on edge. And suddenly the carpet becomes a cold, solid, unsettling thing as Sam jumps up from the floor and almost drops Luther in surprise.

"What the fuck was that"

A head tilt is gained from Luther

"Did you hear that Luther?"

A head shake is earned from Luther

Sam is left panting in the middle of the room as he slowly gains his breath back Y/n walks into the house

"Howdy Sam! Oh it looks like you're playing with Luther? Well give him here it's my turn."

Sam hands Luther over to Y/n still having a hardened expression on his face concerning Y/n

"Hey Sam, you alright buddy? You look like you've just seen a ghost"

"Y/n did you notice anything wrong or weird with that carpet when you fell asleep in it?"

"Not much, but I did have a weird dream."

"Explain it to me please"

"I was in a large, cold, dark place and this tall figure of a woman walked towards me but when she got close she leaned down and kissed me. I'm not sure what that means but it doesn't concern me all to much"

'And it was a woman's voice I heard from the carpet....' Sam thought to himself for a while

"Y/n I think the carpet's haunted."


"Y/n I'm serious."

Y/n's face immediately drops. Noticing Sam's tone and facial expression.

"What makes you say that Sam?"

"From what you've seen and what I've heard there is an entity in the carpet. And then on it seems to like you more than I. For when I tried to lay on the carpet it told me that I wasn't you and instantly it became cold, hard, and uncomfortable to lay on."

".....I'm sure it's fine Sam. You might just need to adjust."

"Yeah.... maybe."

"Ooooooh I'm gonna have alot of fun messing with that man. Sam I beleive? He will make things interesting. Well if you truly believe that I exist then COME AND GET ME!"

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