Cast Aside Thy Flesh

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Beelzebub and Minos went ahead into the prime sanctum. Aiming to make sure nothing would be standing in Y/n's way when he got there.


The sixth layer of hell, red rooms illuminated by the red lights hanging from the celing.


The words hung in their mouths, standing before eachother. Y/n, and Gabriel. Their eyes watched eachother with, maddening intensity. A husk of an angel, and the Honored One.


Swords clutched tightly. He knew what Y/n was here for. The Holy light. The thing that he'll was able to replicate since the Father's dissapearance.


"You know I'm not the same. Right?"

Y/n stared at him, slightly raising his eyebrow.

"I'm not the same Gabriel you met in Gluttony, we're different. Yet look the same"

Gabriel took a breath and continued

"I'm a replication of the original Gabriel. Who's long dead now. I'm merely a reconstruction of his form when he was alive in Heresy. I merely exist to serve a story that isn't mine anymore."

Gabreil points his blade at Y/n

"So come. And take your prize"

Y/n blitzes infront of Gabriel and roundhouse kicks him, with Gabriel blocking it and parrying Y/n by thrusting his sword into his stomach. Using the fact that Y/n is stuck to his sword, Gabriel reaches back before throwing Y/n hard against the red-watered floors.

Y/n quickly recovers, casting multiple orbs of hell energy at once.  Using the sheer number of them to hide himself as he blitzed behind Gabriel. As Gabriel was deflecting, anticipating another frontal attack, he was struck into the ground by Y/n. Who quickly followed up with a hard smash that followed, creating a large crater in the ground.

Gabriel got up, swinging his Swords with quick succession. Aiming right for Y/n's neck. But Y/n gauged Gabriel's speed and reaction time from his first attack, and was easily able to dodge him this time. Y/n grabbed Gabriel's arms, pinning him in place.

"Now, Mahoraga."

Mahoraga quickly formed a few feet away from the two, slashing at Gabriel and landing a deep gash in the angel's back.


Using Gabriel's shock, Y/n plunged his hand into Gabriel's heart. And he ripped out the Father's Light from his body, placing it into his own.


One step closer to awakening.


Gabriel and Mahoraga dissapeared, their bodies turning to dust.


Y/n stood alone in the arena, slowly making his way


His heartbeat felt a little odd, sounded weird too.


'Whatever' he thought. 'I gotta get to Minos and Beel'


He slowly learned to ignore the banging heartbeat he had, and jumped down the hole.

To meet a man who's gone through a wait of the world.

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