Sam's inner demon

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We return to Sam's party where they had finally made it to the building where Lucifer, queen of hell, resides. They scaled the large building, getting to the top and seeing the receptionist. The receptionist was a tall suit-clad man with monochrome skin, his body was that of a corpse and His head was cracked akin to porcelain. Sam immediately walked right past him and straight towards Lucifer's office.

"Hold it, sir, you can go in there. Not unless you have an appointment?" The receptionist said in a flat monotone voice.

S "you aren't gonna be the one to stop me are you?"

"I will do what I must"

The receptionist stands up walks over to Sam and opens the door for him. His one red eye gleams in the dimly lit room as he smirks.

"Do be careful not to get blood anywhere. I have to clean it up"

S "Well said." He turns to the rest of the party "Stay right here. You did your part, now I'm going to do mine."

P "Wait don't tell me you were serious abou-"

S "Keep talking and I will kill you." He gets real close to Pandemonicas face "I only put up with your fucking antics because I needed you to get me here. Now I'm getting my friend back, and the rest of you will go the fuck back where you came from."

Stunned by the complete 180 Sam had just pulled the girls decide that it's better to stay out of his way

Ma "fucking fine then, waste my goddamn time"

Z "I may be a bitch but FUCK are you cruel"

C "But what about us corrupting the mortal realm!"

M "you still owe me a quickie!"

A "What about my research!?"

P "My coffee?!"

S "I DON'T OWE ANY OF YOU SHIT! I JUST LIED MY WAY HERE SEETHING IN FUCKING HATE AND RAGE TRYING NOT TO EXPLODE! So why don't you do yourselves a favor and get the fuck outta my sight"

With those closing statements, Sam walks into Lucifer's office receptionist is nowhere to be seen. And as he steps deeper into the office he comes face to face with Lucifer and her bodyguard, Thor who was cloaked to prevent his identity from being revealed. With hatred boiling in his veins and rage shimmering in his eyes he draws his murasama and aims it right at Lucifer before speaking.

S "Lucifer, queen of hell, hear me. You took the only thing I had left in this world and I want. Him. Back. You have two options, either return Y/n to me or die at the blade of my murasama."

L "No. Thor, kill him"

J "Yes my queen"

Thor then proceeds to punch Sam backward at break-neck speeds, managing to dash behind him before he flung out the door and kick him onto the roof. After which he jumps on himself before pulling off the cloak to reveal a slim skeleton with a human face, and his face was Jack. The only person who ever gave Sam a true fight.

"Jack!? What are you doing serving that bitch!"

"My job Samuel"

"But why?! Why join her of all people!"

"It wasn't my choice, she picked me to be her bodyguard and I have to protect her! That's how this world works Sam"

"Ugh! Enough! If you won't listen, then I'll kill you again!"

"So much for remorse"

The two clash, their swords clanging and sparking against each other. Jack, much faster than he was when he was alive easily able to out-speed Sam, getting some nasty hits in. Slicing and cutting at Sam's metallic skin

"Just give up, you can't win"


Sam then unleashes a fury of slashes none of which manage to hit Jack.

"You're always so stubborn, just let me kill you!"


The two clash again this time Sam's blade is launched back, almost at the edge of the roof. Upon seeing this Sam simply shrugs and says

"Show me a good time Jack"

Jack could see it in Sam, something changed, something broke. He went back to his old self, all of the things that had happened so fast unleashed the monster that Sam once was. And it knew only one thing for real


The punches and kicks keep getting faster and faster. The Beatdown was tremendous, Sam showed no remorse, and Jack had trouble dodging it all because of how this turn of events made him feel. The old feeling of dread and hopelessness of staring into the eyes of a dead man. he didn't use his tool for Justice, not anymore. After a few more back-and-forth misses Sam throws a fake-out and lands a punch across the face of Jack and then he sweeps him to the ground getting on top and beating the fuck out of him. Cracking the ceiling and crashing back into Lucifer's office as Sam deals the finishing blow, killing Jack as he did so long ago.

"How about that for justice you one-eyed fuck."

"Impressive, your sheer strength and bloodlust managed to out-match my bodyguard. Pity. Well now then, join me and  I will allow this transgression slide."

Sam picks up his murasama, sheaths it, and slams his fist into Lucifer's gut.

"Listen to me and listen to me well, I am going to say this one more time. RETURN. Y/N. TO. ME. NOW!"

"Who the fuck is Y/n?"

That comment made Sam confused and he dropped Lucifer. How could she not know? She took him. Those demons took him!

"You took my friend away from me! And now I'm just trying to get him back!"

"What the fuck- how did he even 'get taken' in the first place!"

"The purple carpet! It radiated demonic energy!"

The last comment made lucifer pale.

"A purple carpet?"

"Yes the carpet was purple- why is that the important detail you latch onto?!"

"Your friend is in much, much more danger than you think Samuel"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Lucifer begins making a portal to the abyss Y/n had been dragged to

"He was taken by Beelzebub the exiled. For what purpose I don't know but when it's her it can never be good."

"Beelzebub the exiled you say? Fine then if you can take me to Beelzebub, I won't come for the rest of you. But my little buddy better be safe or none of you are"

"Hmph. Deal."

The portal finishes and Sam and Lucifer step in. As Sam witnesses Y/n being confronted by a large, bulbous, fly-like creature. His protective instincts kick in and he flies toward the creature, his blade ready.



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