The Bio

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Im just going to lay out what everyone looks like so that we don't get confused.

Y/n is just a normal man but his body and physical appearance shift and morph to fit what you look like. The only defining feature about him is that he has a long, diagonal scar across the bridge of his nose right between his eyes. And speaking of his eyes his pupils are always the letters Y and N. To represent what he is.

Samuel is noticeably different than that of what you're used to. He's rejected his old self in favor of helping Y/n and put aside his blade so that he may live a more peaceful life. He's covered his cybernetic body in bandages to help him forget the bloodthirsty monster he once was. He no longer wishes for battle. He just wants to be happy.

Luther is a cobra Y/n found in the alley next to a pet store and he felt bad so he picked him up, fed him, and brought him home

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