Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Waking up I smile as I feel Mal pull me closer to him "Good Morning, my love" his deep morning voice whispers out. "Good morning" I whisper back. We lay cuddled with each other until my bedroom door swings open "he's in our fucking cells" I hear Naomi screech as she makes her way to the side of my bed facing Mal and I.

"Good morning to you to" I smile not wanting to move out of bed. Naomi stares at me confused to why I'm so calm "are you not hearing" Naomi pauses eyes wide before continuing "ALIVE" she yells out making my ears ring.

Groaning I sit up, I notice Naomi's face go red and look away "now I see why your so calm, put your tits away" she laughs holding her head in her hands. Mal chuckles as he pulls the blanket up, he sits up beside me and wraps his arm around me, I rest my head on his chest facing Naomi.

"You can turn back around" I laugh. Naomi turns back around her face still red "always knock" she laughs out loud making her way to the door. She pauses before she leaves "I'll meet you downstairs. Oh and you might want to cover what's on your neck before you come down" she continues to laugh as she closes the door behind her.

Turning to Mal as he chuckles I swat his leg with my hand before pulling away. He stops laughing and pulls me back towards him snuggling his head into my neck "five more minutes" he whispers before putting soft kisses all over my neck.

Half an hour and a thousand kisses later Mal and I get dressed and make our way downstairs. My stomach growls as I smell bacon, eggs and fresh bread as we walk into the kitchen. "Good morning" my mother sings as she turns to Mal and I before putting more bacon onto a plate.

We both say good morning as Mal pulls out a chair for me motioning me to sit, I groan as I hop up onto the stool "are you okay" my mother hurries out, dropping the spatula on the floor and making her way to my side. "Just a little tender" I smile "I'm okay" I try to reassure her but she shakes her head before turning to the cabinet and pulling out painkillers, she places them down Infront of me as Mal slides a fresh cup of water in front of me.

I smile and thank them both before taking two painkillers and gulping them down drinking the full glass of water. "Can I have some coffee too please" I ask as I see Mal pouring a fresh cup. He turns to me with a smile "this is for you". Mal places the cup Infront of me along with a plate with a sandwich filled with bacon and two eggs. "Thank you" I tell him as he kisses me on the forehead before turning to make himself a sandwich.

Mal slides up onto the stool beside me with a smile. The hand I have resting on the table Mal takes in his before using his other hand to lift his sandwich and taking a bite. We sit in a happy silence eating as Naomi and Ryan walk in with Leigh and Cole following behind "Morning" they all chime as they make there own plates of food.

I see Leigh staring at me so I turn to her "are you okay" I smile at her she nods but her eyes say other wise. I slide down off my stool and walk over to her wrapping her into a right hug "I'm so glad your okay Callie" she whispers hugging me tighter.

We all get back to eating after chatting for a while about Steph and Marcus's funeral plans before my mother convinced Ryan, Mal and Cole to take her to the shops. She told  us she needed to pick something up and that they wouldn't be too long.

After they had all left it was just Naomi, Leigh and I left sitting in the kitchen. "What are we doing about him" Leigh whispers making Naomi and I turn to her. Leigh looks up at me pleading in her eyes "I'll take care of it" I say sliding down from my stool.

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