Chapter Thirty

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I follow Naomi out of the cells back to the house. "Your father and mine are waiting for us in my father office" Naomi tells me as we make our way along the hallway to David's office.

Silence engulfs the room as we enter. My eyes turn to David's desk which has a pile of files and bunch of photos scattered accross the desk. David looks up at me and is about to speak before his phone starts to ring. David excuses himself and I walk over to his desk looking over the photos.

The photos are of different women, in each photo the women are sitting on chairs wearing nothing but there underware and a number attached to a string around there necks.

I shake my head as I continue to look through the photos "some of these people are just kids" Naomi whispers from the side of me as she holds Sydney closer to her. I sit back in David's chair and let out a loud sigh, just as David walks back in.

"Did you look at the files yet Maliki" David questions before picking a file up from the desk and putting it infront of me. I open the file to see it's about Callie, her name, age, skin colour, hair colour, weight and a bunch of photos taken from a distance of Callie. There was a note written in red pen 'our superstar'.

I close the file back over and pick up another one, I turn to Ryan who looks as if he is about to explode with anger. I look back at the file "Naomi", closing it I open another "Steph" closing it again I open the last file "Leigh". I look around the room, everyone's angry eyes boring into mine, knowing what I was looking at.

Rubbing my head, I lean back in the chair as my eyes catch a glimpse of a photo laying back up. I grab the photo "The final show" it reads on the back I flip it over to find a picture of Callie, Naomi, Leigh and Steph. The picture again taken from a distance but it's the location that makes my blood boil. "They were watching them in Belfast" I grit, my anger boiling for the fact that someone was that close to my home and we didn't notice.

"Do we have any idea who he is working...." I pause as I hear a loud bang. "What in the..." Standing up I make my way out of David's office, David and the rest of the team following behind. One of the guards who was watching Gavin in the cells comes to an abrupt stop Infront of me "sir, come quickly. It's Gavin" he breaths out heavily before turning back towards the cells. "Ryan, Cole stay with the girls in the house" I tell them as David, Marcus and I follow the guard.

I stop as I hear raised voices between the girls with Ryan and Cole trying to convince them to get back indoors. I turn to them as Naomi yells at Ryan "you are my husband not my keeper, I am capable in protecting myself". I stop beside them turning to Naomi who's eyes made contact with mine "yes you are capable, yes you can protect yourself. But that little girl in your arms isn't. So get back in the god damned house and sit tight until we see what the hell is going on" I tell her calmly. She nods, eyes flaring with anger and frustration as I walk away towards the cells.

Making my way down the steep stairs towards Gavin's cell I see David standing at the bottom, he turns to me continuously shaking his head. I walk past him and look into the open cell of Gavin "what the fuck happened" I question taking in the bloody sight infront of me before turning to the two guards. "Well?" David questions sternly to the two guards.

The guards motion towards the CCTV room, which is in a small room under with the cell rooms stairs. We follow them. "We never took our eyes off the screen. It went dark for a minute before the picture of Gavin's cell reappeared." The guard looks at the other before looking down to the floor. "We heard a commotion as the camera flicked back on. We went out to check and he was...well look for yourselfs" The guard pauses and presses play on the cctv that had been recorded.

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