Chapter Nineteen

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"Ahhhhhh" I yell in frustration as I turn around in my bed for the hundredth time. "Worst sleep ever" I say out loud to myself before deciding that I'm going to get up and start my day. I sigh when I look at my phone and see that it is 7 am.

I spent the night tossing and turning in my bed as if there were ants in my pants. My thoughts echoed with Heather and Mal's words about trust. "Trust" I scoff to myself as turn the shower on. Turning to the mirror my eyes are dark and puffy "why are his words affecting me so much" I sigh as I pull at the bags under my eyes.

After a shower I go back to my room and put on a pair of shorts and a cropped jumper, before sliding my trainers on my feet and sitting down at the vanity table. I put some concealer under my eyes and some lip balm on my lips. Thirty minutes later and I have ended up with a full face of light make up on. "That will do" I sigh as I put my lipgloss back on to the table.

Making my way down to the kitchen I grab an apple and a fresh cup of coffee before making my way out the front and sitting down at the table on the patio at the front of the house. "Your up early" a cheerful husky voice sings as I lean back in my chair with my face looking up at the sky, eyes closed.

I look up to the smiling face of a man I don't know. "Seizing the day" I laugh as he sits on the seat accross from me. "Sam" he smiles putting his hand accross the table for a handshake. I shake my head and take his hand in mine "Callie" I smile back before letting go of his hand.

Sam was a tall, he had dark hair and dark brown eyes with green speckles that danced when the sun hit them. He was wearing a casual t-shirt and shorts which showed his muscular arms and legs which were covered in tattoos. He kind of looked between a mix of Mal and his father. "Done staring" he chuckles clicking his fingers Infront of me, bringing me out of my daze.

I shake my head at a smiling Sam "who even are you" I laugh before finishing my coffee. "I'm so offended, you don't know who I am" he says in a dramatic tone before laughing "I'm Sam" he laughs again. I shake my head at him before standing up. 'idiot' I think to myself before walking away. "Do you have any plans" he questions.

Rasing my eye brows I shake my head "nope, was just going to take a walk" I smile making my way down the steps before walking accross the drive way towards the path that leads to Mal's farm house. I hear footsteps jog accross the stones stopping as Sam reaches my side. "Can I help you" I ask with a raised brow as he starts walking along side me looking around.

"Nope, just going a walk" he smiles. I shake my head and enjoy comfortable silence as the sun streams through the trees. I smile when I realise I have made my way to the field I saw Raven in the other day. I make my way towards the gate and hop over it.

Sam follows my lead and hops the gate too before continuing to follow me accross the field "we shouldn't be in here" he tells me cautiously before he touches my arm making me stop walking. "Why not" I question shaking his hand off my arm before continuing making my way across the field. "The horse in here... Well um he's dangerous" Sam chuckles nervously as he catches back up to me.

By this point we are half way down the field I smile when I see Raven grazing on some grass under a few trees. I turn back to Sam with a giant grin on my face "Raveeeee ennnnn" I yell laughing as Sam's face drops looking panicked.

I turn back to Raven and smile as he looks towards me. We instantly make eye contact and he neighs from where he is standing before trotting our way "Callie, this is a bad idea" Sam warns taking a few steps back towards the fence running along side us. I shake my head and laugh as I see Raven's pace quicken.

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