Chapter Seven

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We hit a dead end. It has been two weeks since we last had a lead or any sort of information and warehouses keep getting raided with the guards found dead inside.
Each killed the exact same way. Heads missing and their stomachs cut open.

We haven't been able to track down Heather Fitzpatrick yet. We questioned Olivia and her family but claim they did not know her. I found it extremely hard to comprehend the fact they lived in such a small town, they ran the only car dealership in the area for miles and Heather lived three streets up, I do not
believe they are telling the truth about not knowing her or at least seeing her in the area, but until we have proof there is nothing, we can do but watch them.

Luca hasn't been around much since our argument. He hasn't even done his usual weekly night out with Cole, which he never misses.

Everyone was getting frustrated and angry. Our people were dying, we were being robbed, our allies were being robbed, we were losing a lot of money, and we had no idea who was behind it.

All we know is there is minimum eight of them going by the CCTV footage we have, and we have been sent, and Heather is at every single location with the group. We know this as every time they cut the cameras, at the very last one she takes off her mask and flips us off.

My father suggested that we all go out tonight and blow off some steam. Naomi suggested we go to our club in town as Ryan and Mal had obviously never been. We joked about our club being safe from shoot outs.

Mal didn't find out jokes funny due to having to pay a fortune on repairs so ‘Redemption’ could be reopened.

Five pm on the clock, Naomi and Steph comes barging into my room with a bottle of vodka, bottle of pink gin, and shots in hand, “It's time to partaaaaay“ they both laugh as they poured us some pre-drinks.

After about an hour of drinking and choosing something to wear we finally start to get ready. Naomi was pouring us all another round of shots when Steph turns to look at her “so Naomi… what’s the deal with you and Ryan?” she wiggles her eyebrows at her and laughs.

We laugh as Naomi took all three shots before pouring us some more and passing us them “we are just two friends hanging out and working together whilst he’s here” she smiles before she then takes her

“I have not seen his nails done or any facemask packets in your bin? What type of friend sleepovers do you have? Since it has been an daily sleepover since he got here ?” she jokes as she tops up our drinks.

“Shut up and pass me the straighteners” Naomi laughs back at her. It wasn't long before we were all dressed and ready to go.

Naomi wore a black long sleeved
cropped top with a black mini skirt that tied down the sides and her black converse. Steph wore a white
long sleeved crop top with a black and white checkered dress over the top with bright pink Nikes. I opted for a simple black off shoulder skin hugging dress with a pair of black boots.

We grabbed our bags and headed downstairs to meet the guys who we could hear were getting very impatient.

As we reached the top of the stairs and started walking down the room felt silent and we looked up to see the guys staring at us mouths wide open.

daaaaamn girl… I am making you my wife one day” Ryan
whistles whilst walking to the bottom of the stairs to meet Naomi. " So much for just hanging out as friends" Steph whispers to me, as he reaches Naomi and puts his arm round her waist before kissing her on the cheek, they both then turn and walk towards the front doors to leave, we follow behind.

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