Chapter Ten

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It was finally the day of my mother’s annual Charity Gala. It was 9am when she came barging into my room. “Callie, come on get up. We have a hair appointment in an hour” she yells as she opens my
curtains letting the sun stream into my room.

I groan and get up out of bed. “I'm coming, give me half an hour.” She nods and leaves my room. After sitting at the edge of my bed for 10 minutes I finally get up, I went to the bathroom to freshen up, once I was done I walked back through to my room.

I put on a pair of high waisted black jean shorts and a hoodie then made my way downstairs. My mother, Naomi, Steph, and Olivia were standing at the front door “come on Callie we’re going to be
late if we don’t leave now” my mother huffed as she walks out the front door, Olivia pulling a face before following close behind her.

Great, we have little miss attitude with us today” I groan as I approached Naomi and Steph. They both laugh as Naomi ushers us both out the door “I'm surprised she was able to leave Luca alone for longer than five minutes to come with us” Naomi joked as we made our way to the car.

As we walked over the stone driveway, I told the girls what had happened with Luca last night. “What the hell is his
problem! I never ever thought Luca would ever put his hands on you” Naomi gasped.

"No idea. But he really doesn't like the fact Mal and I get on well” I shrug. We got into the car and after a short drive we arrived at the hair salon.

My mother and Olivia were the first to sit in the chair and have their hair done whilst Naomi, Steph and I sat on the sofa in the far corner of the room waiting for our turn.

My mother thought it best her and
Olivia go first so she could take her to the dress store to choose a dress for this evening. I think she could see Olivia was getting on my last nerve, they were both in the salon chair for around an hour before
they finally left.

My mother had her hair pulled back in a beautiful up do with a crystal hair clip holding the back in place.

Olivia choose tight chopstick curls which Naomi said she looked like she had put her fingers in the plug socket.

Okay girls I will meet you back here in two hours and then we will head home to meet the makeup artists” my mother smiles at us as her and Olivia leave the salon.
Finally, it was just the three of us again.

The hair stylist had brought in another two girls to ensure our hair would be done on time. The three of us each sat in one of the salon chairs and told the stylists what
we wanted. After nearly two hours we were done.

Naomi had chosen to have her hair straight, but half was pulled up with a few crystal clips pinning it back in place.

Steph chose simple loose curls and a thick sparkly headband. I also went for simple loose curls, but one side was scraped back over my shoulder with a crystal clip pinning it in place. The rest of
my hair was positioned down my back and over my other shoulder.

We thanked the stylists and went outside to meet my mother. “Just beautiful girls” my mother gushed as we made our way over to her.

She handed the three of us a box with a pan au chocolate inside for
each of us. We thanked her and we hopped into the car. It didn’t take us long to get home.

Come on, let’s go get our faces painted on” my mother laughs as she hops out of the car. Olivia followed my mother close behind whilst we walk back up to the house dropping back slightly away from them.

How many more hours do we need to put up with her for” Steph groans as we walk up the steps to the house. “Our mother or Olivia” Naomi and I laugh as we enter the house.

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