Chapter Twenty-Five

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The lights are blinding as I try to open my eyes, the room filled with an intense brightness. The constant beeping of medical equipment is the only sound piercing through the haze of my confusion. “Doctor, he’s awake!” I hear someone yell, but it sounds disorienting. I close my eyes again, slipping back into a restless slumber.

Suddenly, I’m jolted awake by a vivid dream of Callie. “Callie, no!” I scream, my heart pounding. “Sam, you’re okay,” a soothing voice tells me gently, pushing me back down onto the soft surface beneath me. “Callie,” I whisper weakly.

The voice beside me softens, and I slowly focus to see Naomi sitting by my bed. Her eyes are red and puffy, tears threatening to spill. “What happened?” I groan, trying to sit up against the headboard.

Naomi shakes her head, tears rolling down her cheeks. “All we know is Callie’s club exploded and burned to the ground. You were found across the street, unconscious, when the fire engines and police arrived. They called me because I’m an owner. We all flew straight here. Ryan, Maliki, Steph, Leigh, Marcus, Cole, Alistar, and even my father are waiting outside. You’ve been out for a few days,” she explains, her voice cracking with grief.

“Where’s Callie?” Panic rises in my chest, and I yank the IV from my arm. “Sam, calm down!” Naomi yells as the door bursts open. “David! Where is she?” I demand, my voice breaking.

David strides over, his face a mask of strain and worry. “We were hoping you could tell us. You were sent here to look after her,” he snaps. Memories of that night flood back in a painful haze. “No,” I whisper. “The last thing I remember was leaning over Callie, shouting for her to wake up. The backup team came running in,” I pause, shaking my head. “I screamed for them to get help. That’s all I remember,” I finish.

I stand up in frustration, hurling a chair across the room. “Why can’t I remember what happened next?” I scream, my voice echoing with anguish.

A doctor walks in, gently urging me back to the bed. “I see you’re awake. Please sit down so I can do some checks,” she insists. After a brief examination, she informs me that I’m being discharged on light duties. “You were lucky,” she says, but I scoff at her remark as I slip my t-shirt over my head.

The car ride to David’s house is silent, the weight of the situation hanging heavily over us. I replay the events in my mind, trying to piece together what happened next, but the effort only results in a throbbing headache. As we enter the house, our footsteps echo on the marble floors.

“David, is that you? Did you find her?” Elizabeth’s worried voice calls from the stairs. David shakes his head, and Elizabeth’s gaze turns to me. “You were supposed to protect her,” she spits out, her anger boiling over as she slaps me.

David pulls her away, trying to calm her. “Go get some rest, Sam. We can talk in a bit,” Naomi suggests, guiding me towards the stairs. I nod, heading to my room. As I reach the door, I glance down the hallway toward the two large black doors at the end. My heart races, hoping for a miracle. I remember how cold Callie was in my arms and the blood pooling around her.



It was four in the morning when Ryan’s call jolted me awake. “Maliki, it’s Callie. She’s missing, and her club’s been blown up,” he says, his voice tinged with urgency. I immediately spring into action, packing essentials before jumping into my car. Leigh, Steph, Cole, and Marcus follow closely behind in another vehicle.

The plane ride feels endless. Once airborne, I call David for updates on Sam and any information on Callie. But Sam remains unconscious, and Callie is still missing.

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