Chapter Eighteen

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"Hurry up Callie, we are going to be late" I hear Naomi yell as she passes my bedroom. It is now only four days before her wedding and she is turning into a right Bride Zilla.

I make my way out of my room and along the hallway to the front doors of Ryan's house where Naomi, Steph, Leigh,Ryan and Cole are waiting for me. "Are you ready to go riding" Steph smiles as Naomi excitedly hurries us out the door.

"Why are we going towards Mal's house" I question as we walk along the pathway that leads us to Mal's farmhouse. "Because he has a barn full of horses we can ride" Naomi says as she winks at before looping her arm with mine. 'great' I whisper to myself as the farmhouse comes into view.

We walk through the barn and stop when we reach the gate that leeds to the indoor riding arena. My eyes widen as I see Mal cantering around the arena on the beautiful grey horse he was petting the other day "that's our mothers horse. Only Maliki and her are the ones that horse would let ride her. Anyone else she would throw" he chuckles as we watch Mal come to a stop beside Marcus.

Mal jumps of his horse before making his way to us. "The horses are tacked up and ready to go. Warm up in here and then we can take them out into the woods" he tells us before pointing to the far corner of the area where more horses were waiting with stable hands.

I make my way over to a large dark brown horse. "Hello handsome" I whisper as I run my hand down his face. "This is de-ville" the stable hand smiles 'de-ville' I repeat before moving to the horses side and jumping on.

We start off as a walk around the outside of the arena while Mal instructs everyone else on what the plan is. 'good boy' I whisper to 'de-ville' as we quicken pace to a trot. It isn't long before we are cantering around the arena with a smile plastered to my face.

Growing up I took horse riding lessons. I competed in small show jumping classes which then led to bigger ones. After I had met Callan I gave it all up. I am pulled out of my thoughts when Naomi canters along side me. "You ready to go" she smiles before nodding towards the rest of the group who were making there way out of the side door of the arena. I nod and bring 'de-ville' back to a walk before making our way towards the group.

After a few hours of walking though the woods and chasing each other through fields on horse back we made our way back. It was now around lunchtime and I was starving. "I cannot wait to get food" Naomi groans as she trots along side me.

The red barns come into view "last one to the barn has to un tack all the horses" I yell before galloping off towards the barn. "Hey that's cheating" I hear Leigh and Steph yell before hearing a large rumble of hooves following behind me.

"Coles it" Ryan laughs as we all hand the horses back to the stable hands. We laugh before walking out of the barn. "lunch is at mine today" Mal tells me as I continue walking past the path that leads to his house. I stop and turn to him "Thanks but I have other plans" I smile before turning to walk away.

After a quick shower and change of clothes I grab my phone and gun before jumping into a car out front. My father questioned why I refused to take a driver but I told him I just wanted to drive for a change.

It takes me around 30 minutes before I get to my destination. I park my car in the car park and make my way over to the dirty looking diner that was located at the side of a motorway. The door chimes as I make my way through the doors. I scan the room before my eyes land on the person I'm meeting, I order a coffee before making my way towards where they are sitting.

"Callie, it's been far too long. I have missed you"

I smile before taking a seat. The waitress comes over with a fresh coffee and asks if we would like to order. We both order a cheeseburger and fries, in which the waitress tells us it won't be long before walking away.

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