Chapter Eleven

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I groaned as I looked at the alarm clock and realised i had woken up an hour earlier than I needed. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. My eyes widened when I realised I wasn't in my room.

I grabbed the back of my head when a shooting pain shot up it as I stood "what the hell happened" I groaned as I looked around the room.

The room was small, there was a single bed against the far wall. Across from the bed sat a chest of drawers whilst a mirror hung on the wall above. There were no windows in the room. I walked towards the large steel door and tried to open it, I cursed to myself when i realised it was locked.

I banged my fists into the door yelling for someone to let me out, it wasn't long before I heard footsteps walking along the hallway on the other side of the door before they stopped outside my door. I heard the sound of keys clanging together before door unlocked and he walked in.

"What the hell Luca!" I yelled as I made my way towards him. "I'm sorry Callie but it was for your own good, why wouldn't you just listen to me" he replies as he closes the door quickly behind him.

I stormed towards him and stopped infront of him. "I don't know what game your playing, but this is not it. Let me out now!". "I'm sorry Callie but I can't do that just yet" he smiled sheepishly before lifting his head to look at me.

"What do you mean you can't do that just yet? You can't keep me locked in here, you have no right!" I yelled back at him. Luca's eyes darked as he stalked towards me, I slowly start to walk backwards whilst watching his every move carefully.

"He's dangerous Callie. I wasn't there to protect you the first time but I am now." He growls at me. " Luca what are you talking about" I gasp at him as my back hits the wall behind me.

Luca stops inches away from me. There was no where I could look other than his angry cold eyes. He looks down at me and shakes his head. Without saying anything he turns and walks away from me. Frozen in place with my mouth opening and closing unsure what is happening, Luca opens the door, as he walks through the door he turns to me "Callie, I'm sorry but I will let you go when you understand that Maliki is a danger to you. I will let you go when you understand that I'm just trying to keep you safe". 

I look up at Luca and frown "you know your dead when they come for me, right?". He turns to leave grabbing the door handle "I know, but for now I'm keeping you safe", with a sigh he closes the door and quickly locks it before I hear his footsteps echoing as he walks along the hallway.

How could he lock me in here after knowing what Callan had done to me. I hated being locked in anywhere, never mind somewhere that isn't familiar to me.

I slid down the wall and pull my knees tight to my chest as a tear slids down my face, I silently sobbed hoping Luca would come to his senses and let me go.


I paced up and down David's office as we waited for news from our trackers on Callie's whereabouts. It had been two days since the gala shoot out and two days since Callie had disappeared without a trace. Everyone was going out there mind with worry, it was becoming hard to concentrate and work together.

The look she gave me before she ran off after one of the masked men has haunted me for the past two days. We should be doing more but we have no leads and it's all starting to get frustrating. "Maliki sit down, your making me feel sick watching you pace like that. Callie will be fine. She can look after herself" Leigh tries to reassure me. 

We met Leigh the night of the gala, her and Cole seemed to hit it off straight away and when it came down to the fighting and shoot out Leigh had our backs. She has been searching the camera feeds all over town with Naomi, Cole and Ryan for the past two days hoping to spot a glimpse or a clue of where Callie could be. So far, nothing.

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