Chapter Twenty-Six

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"WHERE...IS....SHE" I grunt as I repeatedly punch him after each word. "That's enough Malik, he's dead" Ryan whispers trying to pull me off the bloody man I just beat to a pulp.

It had been three months since Callie was pronounced dead, threw grueling months of torture, her voice and shadow following me around. The voice in my head kept on telling me she was still alive but I couldn't take my heart breaking every single time I remembered she was gone.

Ryan and I decided to stay in Naomi's home town during her family's grieving process. Elizabeth had barely left her room in the three months, Naomi, david and I threw ourselfves full force into our work, taking on every job possible to keep our minds off it. Ryan hasn't once left Naomi's side. Not the greatest start to there happy future.

Attacks had started back up over the past few months. The first few were small warehouses but they started moving on to our bigger ones where we stored our supplies and shipments. The same name kept popping up "Olivia".

Rumour has is Olivia took over Callan and Lucas business along with her father. They had been working along side Callan and Luca since Olivia and her family moved to Spain, they had been trying to take David and I's business away. The problem we had was they kept sending men to do there dirty work as they stayed hidden.

No one knew where they had disappeared to. Frustrations were rising and we did what we knew how, brought the men raiding us back alive and tortured them slowly until death whether they talked or not.

I take one last look at the bloody corpse laying on the floor before turning and walking out of the dark, dirty cell. "Maliki this needs to stop son" I hear my father call from the top of the stairs at the exit of the cells. I scoff making my way past him "I'm doing what I was trained to do" before storming away.

Making my way into my room slamming my door behind me I starfish over my bed staring up at the ceiling. Thoughts of Callie rush to the front of my mind, her smile, her laugh. She made life worth living, even if I never had the guts to tell her.

My attention turns to my door as it swings open hitting the wall with a thud "right enough wallowing... Get ready were doing our" Naomi yells at me as she stops at the foot of my bed Ryan, Cole, Steph,Leigh, Marcus and Sam beside her waiting in the door way. "Not in the mood" I tell her not taking my eyes off the ceiling.

Silence fills the room before Ryan, Sam, Cole and Marcus take a step forward surrounding me, Naomi moves out of the way, walking back towards the door to Steph and leigh who all had matching grins across there faces. "I'm sorry man but what the wife says goes" Ryan whispers sheepishly.

They grab me each one grabbing an arm or leg each, I thrashed about as there grip got tighter and I was hoisted off the bed "put me fucking down" I roar as the make there way, walking in sync out of my bedroom door. They don't stop until I'm being thrown in the boot of the car before it's quickly shut behind me. "you are all fucking dead" I roar kicking out at my surroundings.

I hear the rest of the doors shut and the engine start. We aren't driving long, we stop as I hear loud music and laughter before the boot pops open. I scramble out disorientated as I take in my surroundings. Looking around my friends I shake my head, scoffing as I realise we are at Ryan and I's club "not a chance" I tell them before whipping around storming off.

"Do you think Callie would accept this bullshit from you if she were here" I hear Steph scream at me over the loud music and party goers. I stop, hands balled into fists at my side, my mind mentally screaming at the memories of meeting Callie at this club opening.

WHISPERS IN THE DARK حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن