Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The cell was silent all that was left was the sound of the wind hitting the trees and the branches scraping along the outside walls. I stand eyes wide at the scene in front of me, I hear footsteps running down the hall way before they make there way down the steps to the cells.

I look up at Sam whos eyes haven't left Olivia the whole time the look of pain and sorrow in his eyes. "Maliki" he whispers turning to me. My eyes lock with him as I storm over to him swinging a punch as I reach him. "Maliki" he yells out as I continue hitting him as he tried to defend himself. "Maliki I'm sorry" he yells as blood pools from his nose.

Sam falls to the ground, his arms stretched out Infront of him with his hands up in surrender "she's a liar man, she knows jack shit" he spits as he wipes his t-shirt sleeve over his bloody nose wincing as he touches it. I lunge for him again this time kicking him in the gut all sense of reasoning in my mind gone.

"Olivia knew where Callie was, whether she was alive or dead her family deserved to know, fuck we all deserved to know" I roar as I continue kicking him blood pouring out from different wounds over his body. He grunts in pain pleading for me to stop. But I can't "you were there when she died!" I strike him with my boot again this time a crack emits from his ribs making Sam scream out in pain "why the fuck did you shoot her" I scream at him as his cries of pain grow louder "I'm sorry" he whispers groaning in agony.

Ryan and Naomi walk in, Ryan makes his way to me pulling me back away from a whimpering Sam. I could hear mumbles of Ryan speaking to me but he felt so far away i couldn't make out what he was saying all I could think about was Callie alone, somewhere cold and injured and thoughts of her body being left to rot on its own.

I feel a sharp sting in my neck before everything goes black.....


The sound of blood curdling screams make it's way to my ears as I am filling my father in on what happened and why we have Olivia and her father. Ryan looks at me worry lacing his eyes, I nod before excusing myself away from my father heading following the sound.

I stop as I reach the doors of the cells bellow. Ryan opens the door and I follow him through shortly followed by Steph, Leigh, Cole and Marcus. The screams get louder making my stomach churn at the sound. Making our way along the row of cells we come to cell one where Charles was put, walking past we see him bloody and bruised a laying on his back in a pool of his own blood. A single gun shot to the head.

Stopping outside of Olivia's cell Ryan puts his hand out to stop me, I push past. My eyes widen at the sight in front of me, Maliki had Sam on the ground as he beats him over and over again blood spattered everywhere. Maliki screaming at him.

Olivia is laid on the floor to the side of them, her neck sliced open blood still pouring out, leaving a pool of it round her head. She had a single gunshot wound to the head and a shocked expression on her face.

As Sam continues to scream out begging Maliki to stop Ryan rushes forward and pulls Maliki back. His eyes are dark, void of any emotion, he stares right though Ryan as Ryan tries to calm him. I tell Steph to go get a dose of anesthesia to knock him out until he regains his sense of normality and I instruct Cole and Leigh to go get the doctor.

Maliki is quickly passes out after Steph quickly stabs him in the neck with the needle. Ryan grabs Maliki's arms and Marcus grabs his legs before they both hoist him up and march out the room with him. I slowly make my way to Sam with Steph.

He winces as I get closer "I'm sorry" he whimpers before his eyes close and he passes out from the pain. It doesn't take the doctor, my father and Alistar long to appear beside us. "What the fuck happened" Alistar screeches out as he kneels down next to a sleeping Sam.

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