Chapter Five

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I wake up to the birds chirping and the sun shining though my windows. 'Today is going to be a good day' I think to myself as I get out of bed. I shower, get dressed and then head down to the kitchen for breakfast.

As I walk into the kitchen I was greeted by Ryan, Naomi, and Mal. "Good morning, my love" Mal smiles as he looks over at me.

"My love? Brother do not tell me you are
going soft already" Ryan chucks. I shake my head and pour myself a coffee. "So, what's on the agenda today" I ask as I take a seat at the table next to Mal.

Naomi passed me her tablet. "What am I looking at?" I question. She did not have time to answer as her tablet suddenly showed an alarm was going off at one of our warehouses. "Shit, there's been a breech we got to go" she groans.

It took around 15 minutes to get to the warehouse. As we pull up Luca, my father and Cole were already there. "what's going on?" I ask as we walk over to them. Luca was the first to speak.

"The camera feeds have been cut and the warehouse has been broken into. I got here half an hour ago with Cole and sounded the alarm when we seen the door open and no guards around. We haven't been in yet."

The warehouse in question is one of many warehouses in which we store money we have brought in before it is checked and sealed then dispatched to various business's we own and any deals we make.

There are 5 guards including the head guard. We spilt up into 3 groups. Mal and I head towards the back of the warehouse guns out ready to shoot, Steph and Cole go to the side entrance and my father and Luca stay at the front entrance with
Naomi waiting to give the go to breach.

"READY" we all said one at a time through the comms.

"Everyone on their fucking knees" Cole yells while he points his gun as we all storm into the building.


"FUCK!" my dad roars as he storms back out of the warehouse with his phone in his hand. The warehouse was empty. Naomi walked off towards the office to try and collect any CCTV footage the cameras may have picked up before the wires were cut from the outside.

As she walked into the office we heard her yell before and coming back out to us holding her nose "I've found one of the guards."

Mal, Luca, and I walk over to the office. We find the head guard laying on the desk stretched out. His head was missing, and his stomach cut open with his insides hanging out.

A few moments later we hear a loud groan "I found other guards "Cole shouts as he comes running out of one of the
storerooms towards us.

"Are they alive" Luca questions as we walk over.

"They have died 10 times over by the looks of it" Cole says as he pushes the storeroom door back open for us to see.

All four guards were in each corner of the storeroom crouched in the fetal position with no heads, stomachs cut open with their insides falling out. "Oh god... I can't... the smell" Cole groans as he exits
the room.

"I'm going to make some calls" Mal sighs as he follows Cole out.

The warehouse fell silent as we heard a noise coming from the empty office.


All of us walk back over to the office to find the phone that was ringing. "Where is it" Luca huffed as we searched the room.

"It's stopped" I groan


"Uh guys... I think it is the guard who is ringing" Naomi gagged as she put her hand into the open stomach of the man.

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