Chapter Fifteen

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Mal had started to notice I was becoming distant with him, but I couldn't help it. It had been three weeks since I seen Callan. It was all I could think about. The nightmares came back that same night. I couldn't let Mal see me like that.

We had spent the past three weeks looking any sign of Callan or Dominic but they completely disappeared after that day at Dominic's house. Business had resumed as normal and we had no more counterfit cash running through our system.

My father, Mal and Ryan we're putting it down to the fact we still had Luca locked up. They were urging me to make a decision on what to do with him. But that was another thing I couldn't bring myself to do. We left him in the old gardeners huts surrounded by guards chained to the wall. I give him a bit of peace by sending him food and water daily and I also persuaded my father to make the chain longer so he could reach the bed and bathroom.

I was just starting to fall asleep when Naomi, Steph and leigh come bursting into my room "let's talk wedding" Naomi whispers excitedly as she jumps on my bed beside me, followed by Leigh and Steph. I groaned and sat up with a smile, my heart fluttered at how excited Naomi was about getting married. It had been something she had vow'ed she wouldn't never do but here we are discussing details about her big day.

"Ryan and I have decided we want to get married at his home in Belfast" she squeeled excitedly as Leigh types it into a spreadsheet named 'Naomi's Fairytale'. She turns to Steph and I "you both are going to love it there. It's a beautiful farm and there are horses and goats. Oh and don't forget there's freeking ducks" she screeches at us making me laugh as I cover my ears.

Leigh adds to the spreadsheet that it's a farm style wedding and then looks at Naomi "please tell me you have pictures of his home" she smiles. Naomi laughs and pulls out her phone "of course! Honestly it's Callie and Steph's dream home. It's going to be perfect!"

Naomi continues to show us the photos of Ryan's home. It's a beautiful modern farmhouse with lots of windows on the front, it was surrounded by mountains and fields of green. Naomi pauses when she gets to a picture which shows a beautiful pond with lots of bright flowers alongside a white paved walkway which led to a beautiful wooden arch surrounded by pink cherry blossom trees. "It's perfect, right" Naomi whispers not tearing her eyes away from the picture. We all agree. "Send that picture to me so I can add it to your thing I'm doing" Leigh smiles at Naomi.

It was now after midnight and we had managed to plan a lot more of the wedding. I was so excited for Naomi and seeing her happy made me feel guilty. I didn't want her to receive any backlash when i tell Mal that I'm behind Heather's warehouse attacks, but I know Ryan would understand Naomi had no idea about it. I smiled as my sister flicked through bridesmaid dresses, telling us which style she preferred and colours.

Naomi had settled on red and black as her colour scheme and Leigh showed her different styles of chairs, ribbons and lights for the ceremony and finally after checking with Ryan she decided on a date. "I'm so glad the hard bits are done now" Naomi groaned as she flopped back against the headboard. "We have one more thing to discuss" Steph tells us raising her eyebrow as if we were supposed to be able to read her mind.

She stands up and shakes her head "we've got a hen party to plan" she yells before laughing and waving her arms around. "That's on you three, I'm off to bed. Make sure it's atleast a week before the wedding, I don't want to be hungover. But not the same day we arrive in Belfast eaither." Naomi laughs before standing up and leaving to go to bed. "So the weekend after we arrive in Belfast then" Steph questions whilst looking between Leigh and I. We both agree and decide to start the hen party planing tomorrow.

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