Chapter Twenty-Three

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My eyes shoot open at the sound of my alarm beeping, telling me it is eight am. We are having a farewell breakfast with Naomi and Ryan before they set off to Italy for there two week honeymoon.

Feeling the bed empty, Mal now gone thoughts flooded my mind of last night. I needed answers and if he wasn't going to give them to me, he definitely would be to the rest of the team. Determination sets in making me jump out of bed and head to the shower to freshen up, the smell of alcohol still lingering on me.

After a shower I feel so much more refreshed. Quickly putting on a pair of shorts and baggy jumper, I slide my trainers on, grab my phone and leave my room. The smell of bacon, eggs, and fresh bread made it's way to my nose. My stomach gurgled in delight at the delicious smells.

"Goooood morning" I sing making my way out the back doors to the sitting area, where the breakfast table had been set. "Who are you and what have you done with my sister" Naomi laughs. I mock her laugh, before taking a seat at the table. I felt eyes on me as I sat down and poured myself a cup of coffee smiling to myself.

"Are you okay?" Ryan questions with a raised brow before turning to Naomi as if telling her to say something. "What's going on" I ask taking a sip of my coffee before placing it on the table in front of me. "Well after last night?" Naomi started before the back doors opened again.

The garden quickly filled with laughter and chatting, the previous conversation coming to a halt thankfully. I couldn't be bothered with there questions, today was about sending my sister and new husband off to start there life and I wasn't going to let last night run that.

The feeling of someone staring at you from behind is hard to shake off as I feel the stares grow bigger "Callie can we talk" Mal whispers standing behind me. Without turning to him "later, Ryan and Naomi are leaving soon. That's more important" I nod quickly before walking away.

As breakfast comes to an end, Steph Leigh and I quickly hurry off to the front of the house where my father and Alistar are standing. "We don't have much time, there saying their goodbyes" I hurry out stopping in front of them. My father and Alistar nod as Leigh and Steph quickly follow behind me with a carrier bag of decorations. "You got her a freaking skyline" Steph screeches. "Keep it down it's a surprise" I laugh.

The white Skyline GT-R R34 was Naomi's dream car, I wasn't good with words but I knew gifting her this as a wedding present would make her happy. So I bought it and had it imported over I couldn't wait to see her face. After ten minutes we had decorated the rear of the car with rattle cars and bells hanging lowly off the rear bumper and a just married sign hands on the back window. "There coming" my mother whisper yells as she comes rushing out the front doors. We hear laughter and talking from behind her.

Cole and Marcus come out the front doors first as there eyes meet the car they stop talking and move to the side of the doors eyes wide at the beauty Infront of them. They are quickly followed by Mal and Sam, the also stop talking but they make there way to me standing by the car. Naomi and Ryan are last to exit, I hear Naomi's laugh and then Ryan's.

A large grin creeps to my face as they walk out the doors, we all erupt into cheers and whooping before we hear Naomi squeal "no fucking way, is that a..." She makes her way to me, mouth agape "Callie that's a freaking skyline" she shrieks out before making her way slowly around the car before stopping at the rear where Ryan is standing with Mal and Sam.

After a few minutes of silence and Naomi staring in awe as she makes her way around the car, us all watching her with knowing smiles. I toss her the keys as she makes eye contact with me "no, Callie you didn't" she gasps. I laugh as I nod my head. "Nah Callie, don't fuck with me" she yells out, the shock in her voice clear.

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