Chapter Thirty-Six

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I watch in horror as Sam quickly cuts Callie's ties that had her bound to the chair and pull her up before he holds his gun against her temple.

My men clear the crowd leaving David, my father, Ryan, Dom and i watching the scene unfold infront of us. I see Callie's lips moving but I can't make out what she says. "Enough" Sam growls but Callie continues "I wont apologize for loving him" I hear her yell. Callie starts to struggle in Sam's hold "fuck you" she screams.

Callie turns to me and looks at me furry and sadness filling her eyes, she turns back to Sam "your nothing but a jealous little boy. How can you expect someone to love you when you don't give them a reason.... You just take" she huffs out. Sam grabs her tighter turning her around to face him "enough" Sam roars louder in Callie's face positioning the gun onto her forehead, Callie's head moves in stephs direction before turning back to Sam "I will never want someone like you" she scoffs out.

Sam's hold tightens even more around Callie making her grunt from the pain and i hold my breath as he cocks his gun against her forehead "Sam!" I yell trying to get his attention. He turns to me, he pauses before a smirk appears on his face he take the gun off Callie's forehead and points it at me "Callie move" Dom yells.

Callie pushes away from Sam making him loose ballance gunshots sound through he clearing echoing. Sam drops his gun and  falls to the ground cursing as he holds his leg trying to stop the blood from spurting out.


"Callie move" I hear Dom yell, I don't hesitate. I push will all my force against Sam and fall to the side as gunshots ring through my ears. I feel a sharp pain through my side before silence covers the clearing.

I hear Sam cursing as he holds his leg, we make eye contact before both of us turn to the gun he dropped. I quickly stand up, Sam quickly slides accross the stage towards the gun. I reach down to grab it. My fingers clip it as I feel him kick out hitting my wounded side.

Screaming in pain i stand on his hand, he jerks it away I grab the gun and point it at him. "Callie, you don't want to do this" he whispers pleading in his tone. I shiver as I feel two strong arms around me. The intense feeling of being safe engulfs me. I sigh and allow Mal to take the gun from my hand.

Dom and Ryan quickly surround Sam guns pointing at him "how" Sam whispers as I turn to face Mal. He cups my cheek with his hand "I'm so sorry you went through this Callie" he whispers to me as he circles my cheek with his thumb.

In this moment nothing mattered, not the death, not the pain. Nothing. All that mattered was that I was safe in his arms. I lean up and kiss him, he quickly kisses me back intensifying the kiss. "I'm never letting you out of my sight again" he chuckles pulling back from the kiss and touching my forehead with his.

We turn to Sam who being held up my Dom as Ryan wraps his wound to stop the bleeding "where do you want him" Dom questions looking directly at me. I smile and walk towards Sam "let's take him back with us. I made a promise I intend to keep" I smirk and take the syringe from Ryan that he is holding out to me.

Sam's eyes go wide "please...Callie" he pleads "that's not going to work with me" I scoff as I stab the needle into his eye and inject the liquid. He screams in pain before sleep takes him. I kick him in the dick before walking over to where Steph is still sat in her chair.

I lift her head gently in my hands and shiver as the tears fall from my eyes "I'm so fucking sorry" I whisper as I kiss her on the forehead. Walking over to the table.i grab the closest knife and hobble back over to my friends body.

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