Chapter Three

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"Pssst, Pssst, Callie. We have to go before they get up".

I open my eyes and look up to see Naomi pacing up and down the dimly lit room. "What are you talking about? Before who get up" I whisper back to her as I check the time on my phone.


"We stayed at Maliki's last night" she says whilst looking at me as if I had grown three heads. I look at her even more confused, 'I don't stay out anywhere unless it's a room on my own with people I trust' I thought to myself.

"WE GOT TO GO" she whisper shouts back at me whilst pointing behind me. I slowly turn my head to find a sleeping Malik cuddled into my back with his arm over me. "Oh fuck" I say as I slowly pull myself out of bed.

We quietly walk out of Mal's room, closing the door behind us.We walked along the hallway where Steph was waiting for us. "About time, let's get out of here before they wake up" She whisper laughs as we walk in the direction of the front doors.

We follow Steph out before getting into the car that was waiting for us, it was not long before we were on our way home.

It didn't take long before the driver was pulling up at our house. We thank him and groan as we make our way up the front steps and of the house. Once open the front doors and get inside we walk through to the kitchen.

"How the fuck did we end up crashing with them last night?" I groan as Steph passes Naomi and I a bottle of water. "We were
pretty wasted" Naomi laughs back.

I head for my room after I tell the girls I was going to go and shower then change. Naomi groans about wanting to go back to bed, but I quickly remind her we had a lot to discuss with our father today.

After I had my shower and changed into fresh clothes, I grab the files that were on my desk and head downstairs to the meeting room.

We were expecting the new Leader of Northern Irelands mafia and the meeting room seemed more professional than my father's personal office.

They also had some information regarding the job we are working on, so we are all pretty eager to find out what that information was and quickly.

I enter the meeting room and do a quick scan of the room; Naomi has already set up the big screen so we can see what she sees on her tablet, she is holding her heading looking rather sorry for herself

"oh, my god, my head!... It is actually so sore." She groans. I laugh as I walk over towards my father, Luca, Steph, and Cole who were waiting to start the meeting.

My father smiles as I approach the large wooden table they are standing by.

"Callie... finally we can start. Ok Naomi show us what we have so far, I would like to be done with this problem sooner rather than later. It is getting out of hand" my father says as he takes a seat at the head of the table. We all follow his lead and sit down waiting for Naomi to start.

We had been having problems recently as a few of our warehouses had been attacked and the contents stolen. The cameras so far have shown us nothing due to them being tampered with and we have no idea who's behind it.

We recently set up a decoy warehouse not far from here and just as we expected a group of three armed men showed up at the time we were informed it was going to get hit.

I killed the three-armed guards who weren't allied with us before they infiltrating the decoy warehouse. I then attempted to get information from them.

"So what have we got?" Naomi laughs as she flings her arms in the air whilst looking at us wide eyed. Out of nowhere she then chucks her work tablet on the ground and screams. "here we go" Cole laughs.

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