Chapter Twenty- Four

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After my encounter with Mal yesterday I hadn't seen him, Although why would I? His brothers away on his honey moon and the only business we have in common was my father. I finished packing the last of my things "Callie, please just stay for another few days, we still have so much to explore" Leigh and Steph groan out as I put the last bag next to my suitcase.

"I have things to take care of back home, besides we still have a few hours before I go" I smile at my two best friends. They nod as I sit down on the bed beside them "besides now you can party till yours hearts content" I laugh before pulling them into a side hug.

We decide that a ride on the horses together was the best way to end my trip. I decided that I needed to get home there was still so much to deal with back there, the first being Luca. He was still locked up that that room, he was being cared for but I still needed to make a decision.

After an hours ride on the horses successfully avoiding Mal. The girls go off to grab something to eat and I find myself making my way to Raven's paddock, as I reach the gate I see him grazing next to the near by tree. I laugh as the memory or Raven charging at Mal and Sam cross my mind.

My laugh must of got his attention, he raises his head and neighs before making his way to me. Once by the gate I hope over and stand beside him. He lets my hands wander down his neck and back up patiently standing. "You are a good boy Raven. Don't cause too much trouble after I leave" I laugh as a loan tear escapes, running down my cheek. I say my goodbyes after fussing over Raven for a while before making my way back to Ryan's house.

I welcome the silence as I make my way through the doors to my room, I sigh looking around the room one last time before I grab my bags and my suitcase, leaving Ryan's home for the last time.

The driver waiting for me at the front of the house was speaking to my father, once they notice me the driver quickly grabs my bags and puts them in the trunk of the car before opening the back door for me. "Callie wait" I hear Steph yell before she runs and pulls me into a hug, Leigh following with Cole, Marcus and Sam behind. We say our goodbyes and I tell them to have fun and I'll see them soon.

My father tells me to keep him informed on the Luca situation, I nod as the driver closes the door behind me. "What the fuck are you doing" I gasp as Sam jumps into he back and sits down on the seat beside me. "I'm coming too" he grins before telling the driver to go. I take one last look at my surroundings as the car finally starts to go down the drive.

We pass the fields next to Mal's house and I see Raven cantering along the field following the car. At the end of the field I see him rear up making him as tall as a giraffe before a loud neigh echos as we loose sight of him. I sigh before resting my head on the window looking out as the world goes by "it will be okay Callie" I hear Sam tell me. I turn to him and smile "I know".


We had finally landed at home, the sky was dark and the wind whistled through the trees as we stepped off the plane "your cars this way ma'am" one of the men who were waiting with our luggage tells me. I smile before turning to Sam motioning him to follow me.

The hours journey home went by quickly, the thoughts of Raven running through the field made my heart feel tight. The thought of not seeing Mal again made it even tighter. I brush off the thought as I show Sam to his room "so this will be your room, mines is the big black doors at the bottom of this hallway" I smile opening his door for him. "Thanks Callie" he smiles before chucking his bags on the bed.

"I'm going to freshen up, I'll meet you downstairs for dinner" I smile before exciting his room. As I enter my room, I put my bags to the side making a mental note to empty them later before jumping onto my bed and laying down. A smile creeps to my face as I remember Mal sneaking in at night just to sleep next to me. Brushing away those thoughts when Callan comes to mind, I jump back off my bed and head for the shower.

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