Chapter Twelve

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I was beginning to get fed up. I don't know how long it had been since I last seen Luca. I was spending all my time sleeping. I dreamt of my team storming in and finding me, I dreamt of the time I had with Mal. But it was only dreaming and my memories keeping the hope alive that I would be out of here soon.

"Please Luca let me go" I yell as I bang on the door. My hands were bloody and raw from my continuous punching of the door hoping someone will hear me. After what felt like forever I finally hear footsteps storming along the hallway outside my door. I move away from the door as I hear the lock click.

Luca slowly makes his way inside the room, we make eye contact before he turns and closes the door. He walks closer to me and I notice he is holding a tray of food and some water bottles. I look at him with pleading eyes "please Luca I've been here long enough. You have to let me go".

He put the tray on top of the chest of drawers and sighed "Soon Callie, I promise" before he turns to leave again. "No don't leave me in here alone" I plead as he opens the door. He briefly pauses with the door slightly a jar. I quickly grab the plate of food and smash it over his head, as he grabs his head in pain i see my opportunity to run.

I open the door and run as fast as I can down the hallway. I stop as I reach a door, I turn back and see Luca isn't far behind me and is yelling for me to wait. I push the door and I thank it for being unlocked before running through. "Callie stop. I won't hurt you I promise" I hear Luca yell as he quickly follows through the door.

Finally I am out of the building and I find myself in what looks like a garden. It doesn't take me long before I realise I'm home, I had been locked in the old gardeners huts at the back of my house. I feel two arms grab me. "Luca please" I plead before he puts his hand over my mouth. "I won't hurt you Callie. Please trust me" he whispers as I feel a sharp sting to my neck. I start to feel lightheaded as Luca loosens his grip. He whispers that it's going to be okay and I feel him lift me into his arms "Luca please" I say as I quickly fall asleep.


It had now been a week since the gala happened and Callie disappeared. Luca showed us a text from Callie telling him she needed to get away and clear her mind. We were all relieved but Maliki kept telling us he thought it wasn't adding up and he that didn't trust what Luca was telling us.

My father had secretly put a tail on Luca but so far he wasn't doing anything out of character. He had been spending more time in the garden but my mind was somehow put at ease when he told me he was trying to keep it alive for when Callie came home. Apparently the gardeners didn't know what they were doing.

Since the men that attacked the gala were dead and Callie was 'on holiday' we had no choice but to move on and continue our search for Heather Fitzpatrick and her team. She had been quiet the past few weeks which made us question whether or not she was done with her joyride of sabotaging our clients and our warehouses.


I never thought that love was real, that was until I met Callie. She made me feel alive again. Luca told us some bull story about how she needed to get away and clear her head. I don't believe him, even David doesn't believe him.

We've been trying to locate heather Fitzpatrick and her team but that's leading no where, it doesn't help that every room here reminds me of Callie. She had made a simple business trip into something more than she will ever know.

In a short period of time I have realised that she means everything to me. From that first kiss I knew I would do anything for her. She was my kriptonite and it took for her leaving, for me to realise she ment something to me, everything to me. I never wanted to get close to a female let alone kill for her.

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