Fernando didn't say anything. He clenched his fist, started trembling, and then, with veins bulging in his neck, began to shout.

"Have you seen such insolence! Insulting my deep and faithful loyalty! You outsider! As a desert warrior, I challenge you to a duel!"

Fernando ran wild and threw off the long hood around his neck and hurled it towards Andrea's face. I had seen Sablum people occasionally throw their hoods at their opponents when emotions ran strong. It was said to be their way of challenging themselves to a duel.

I stood up in shock to stop Fernando, but Andrea grabbed the hood and stood up first.

"Alright. Shall we fight right now?"

Are they crazy? What are they talking about at the dining table right now? I just wanted to gain Andrea's favor, but how did it escalate to this?

Fernando shouted, "I will bring victory for the Angel!" and, muttering curses under his breath, dashed out of the house. He seemed to be planning to bring his weapon.

On the other hand, Andrea calmly walked towards me and winked playfully.

"I'll be back before the camel milk gets cold. Enjoy your meal."

What nonsense is this?

I quickly opened my notebook, but Andrea swiftly pulled me close by my waist and hurriedly left.

Andrea didn't seem weak. He was tall and well-built, and from what I glimpsed yesterday, his thighs were full of muscle.

But, Fernando was a desert warrior. Fernando and the servants were all brave soldiers who could defeat dozens of enemies in battle. No matter how strong Andrea seemed, he couldn't win against warriors who had experienced killing.

I have to stop Andrea.

I desperately ran outside. Even though I only ran a short distance, I was already out of breath. The servants followed me, expressing concern like, "Angel!", "It's dangerous!"

"Please go inside, Angel."

"It's the outsider's own doing."

"This might be too harsh for Angel to witness."

The servants earnestly pleaded, blocking my way. At that moment, the clashing sound of swords meeting echoed as if tearing through the air. I crouched down and leaped through the gap between the servants. My lungs were burning from running, but I sprinted with all my might towards the source of the sword sounds.

Andrea and Fernando were fighting in the open space behind my residence. In the short time I arrived, Fernando was already gasping for breath. Sparks flew each time their swords clashed.

Fernando wielded a crescent-shaped, long, slender sword, a common weapon used by desert warriors. Andrea had a medium-sized thin sword slightly longer than a dagger. He seemed to have hidden it in his clothes. I was relieved that Andrea also had a weapon, but just by looking at it, Fernando seemed much stronger.

I wanted to shout Andrea's name. I wanted to tell them to stop, to say that I would handle it. However, my voice still wouldn't come out, and my chest only filled with frustration, worry, and fear.

I just wanted to raise Andrea's favorability. He only had the intention to serve him food, wipe his mouth if something got on it, and subtly touch his chest or neck. But why did it turn out like this?


Fernando swung his curved sword at an alarming speed, attempting to cut Andrea's head. However, Andrea lightly moved his body back, saying, "Oh my," and skillfully diverted the power of the sword with his small and thin sword.


Fernando put fierce strength into his attack. His eyes gleamed with anger, contempt, and a hint of superiority.

Yeah, that guy was the problem. As an angel, you shouldn't think like this, but that bastard provoked and challenged the kind and gentle Andrea on his own, challenging him to a duel!

I clenched my fists and glared at Fernando. At that moment, Fernando's sword sent Andrea's sword flying into the air with a loud friction sound.


"Fernando! Well done!"

"Cut off his head!"

Before I knew it, the servants who had gathered behind me to watch the fight cheered enthusiastically. With the upper hand, Fernando swung his sword triumphantly.

"Get away from the Angel. You outsider!"

The gleaming blade raised high in the sky reflected the sunlight dazzlingly. And without thinking, I threw myself toward that spot.


I heard Andrea's desperate shout from behind, but it was too late to avoid escape now. I closed my eyes tightly, praying that Fernando would stop his sword before hurting me.


A sound as if something breaking came from right in front of me. Soon after, a man's desperate scream followed.


Startled by the scream, I opened my eyes. In front of me, Fernando, was sitting down in front of me holding his hand. His sword lay far away, and the hand he held was twisted in a strange shape. The wrist was completely bent backward, and the wrist bone sticking out through the flesh. The white bone tore through the healthy tanned brown skin.

Staring blankly at the twisted wrist, warm and large hands suddenly cupped my cheeks.

"Del, are you okay?"

The hand holding my cheek was trembling slightly.

I looked up silently at Andrea. He urgently examined my face and body, and as soon as he realized I was unharmed, his expression hardened.

"Why on earth did you jump in there!"

He burst out yelling.

It was the first time Andrea had gotten angry at me.

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