Chapter 37

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The pre-agreed on meet up location.

You make the arrangements with Din to meet at a coffee shop. In the city that you fled to.

You place an order and take a booth, where you can watch the doors and have a wall to your back. (Even if you don't like coffee, you order whatever you like.)

If they're not here in ten minutes I'm leaving. You think, taking a sip of your drink.

I've really done it now. Charlie was right, I shouldn't have come.

"Are you (Y/N)(L/N)?" Asks the Mandalorian. He carries Grogu with an arm wrapped around him. The youngling cooes in agreement.

"I am," You say. "Din and Grogu?"

"We are."

"Good," You say, taking a sip of your drink. "I have a job for you, but first would you care for a drink?"

They look at each other, and then Din says, "I'll have the conversation, and he'll have a Chocolate - no, I'm not going to say that,"

They seem to be having a conversation, but you can't hear Grogu's thoughts. You suppose it has to be directed to you, for you to hear.

" Okay fine," Din takes a deep breath, "He'll have a Choccy Milk. There, happy now?" He asks Grogu.

Grogu makes a happy sound.


Din takes the seat across from you. Grogu sits on his lap, happily drinking his glass of chocolate milk.

You tell Din what happened, just since you made it back to Earth.

"And now I need help finding them." You say, ending the explanation.

Din is quiet for a moment, you guess he's having a conversation with Grogu.

If they tell me no, then I'm going in there alone...wherever there is.

They nod at each other.

"We'll help you," Din says. "I just need some time to check a few things and I should be able to find them. All I need is a computer terminal."


You, Din, and Grogu go back to your ship, so he can use the ship's computer.

You move the ship from the docking bay to hovering out in the middle of the closest ocean.

R7 is nowhere to be found, even though his tracker says he's on the ship.

Probably installing updates, You think, watching the data stream run over the holo-projector. Din sliced into an Imperial feed and was going through their records.

As soon as this is over, I need to check with the bank.

The proximity alert flashes.

"You can keep looking," You say, taking the pilot's seat. Din and Grogu are in the co-pilot's seat.

Grogu is sitting on his lap playing with a silver-colored ball. He seems rather attached to it.

"But, we've gotta move." You say, strapping on your crash webbing.

You pilot the ship to another part of the ocean. 

After a few hours of more slicing Imperial data feeds, Din makes an announcement.

"I found your family." He says, pulling up the information.

You see a holo-projection of the Earth. Then it begins to travel towards the south pole, zooming in as it goes.

Star Wars: Episode Huh? (A Reader Insert Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon