Chapter 11

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I tried my best. I really did.  You think, in an extremely fuzzy Force dream.

You did what I said without bucking my orders. You did well Young One, Ben replies, Though I must say, telling Vader 'I'm just like you. Only better.' May not have been the best thing to do.

Heh. I was trying to distract him so you could get through his defenses.

The scene changes to a memory of you sparring with Master Shaak Ti.

Both your and her lightsabers are set to the lowest power setting.

"You've done well against seeker balls, and learning the forms. Let's see how you do against a real opponent." She says as both of you take a ready position.

Eager to show off how much you've learned, you charge in. Among your swing at her side.

She easily parries.

You continue your attack.

She continues to parries, and with a flick of her wrist, your lightsaber lies on the ground extinguished.

Her lightsaber hums as it hovers over your hand that previously held your weapon.

"I sensed unease." She says as you call your lightsaber back to your hand using the Force.

"Even with the sabers on the lowest power setting, I was worried I'd hurt you. I did understand the assignment though. It was to show how you could easily lose the upper hand in a duel if you continue to press the attack."

"That's correct. But I could still sense a want to prove yourself, that won out with the unease."

"I did. I mean I do," You say turning the lightsaber over in your hand.  "I'm not entirely sure what I was feeling, to be honest."

"It's only the second day of your training. You will grow with time, and with that, you'll be able to sort out your feelings even in the middle of a battle. But you just need to be patient," She assumes a defensive-ready position. "Now! Come at me, but this time put the unease at bay. Trust the Force."

"Yes, master!" You say, igniting your lightsaber and assuming an attack stance.


When you awake, you're in the small Med-Bay of the Falcon. You have a Bacta-wrap on your leg.  You're also attached to a machine that's monitoring your vitals. Your lightsaber rests on the bedside table.

Even in my dreams I'm still training, You think. I've come a way just from that bit of sparring. I was able to back up Ben. So that accounts for something.

You sigh, looking at the ceiling. "I wonder how much further we have 'til Yavin 4?"

The door wooshes open.

"Are you the Jedi that everyone's been talking about?" Leia asks.

"Princess Organa!" You exclaim sitting up. "I'd bow, but I'm kinda unable to. But yes, I am a Jedi Apprentice."

She pulls a chair up to your bedside.

"Please, call me Leia. Are you a friend of Ben Kenobi?"

You think for a moment then say, "I am. I am a friend of Ben Kenobi. I also know of your father and mother. I never met them, but I did know of them."

You can't help but smile. Princess Leia is currently on first name terms with you! Even with your broken leg, you helped save her, and it wasn't in a video game.

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