Chapter 3

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Nar Shadda, is a moon of the Hutt homeworld of Nal Hutta. And you're here because you decided to follow that practically nagging voice only you could hear back in the Earth spaceport.

The rain drips off your jacket's hood. Your mood is about as grim as the smog and rain-filled sky.

You'd been on this slag heap of a planet for the past three days, and still no sign of who or what that voice belonged to.

You are also surprised no one has stolen your credits or backpack yet.

It hadn't been that hard to get on the flight for a spaceport near Nar Shadda. You just blended into the crowd and then hung out with the luggage when the guards came around.

Then it was a matter of getting on a connecting flight to Nar Shadda.

Standing with your back to a wall, and keeping your eyes open, you tried that breathing exercise again.

There is no death there is the Force. You think, trying to feel something past the grime of the planet-wide city.

Alright voice, where are you? You think, finding it easier to achieve that feeling of peace. You did the exercise several times on the flight, and multiple times more since being on the new planet.

You're not sure if you're doing it right, but you do feel like you're searching, and seeing past what you can see with your own eyes.

Over here! Came that voice again. This time it was clearer.

I must be on the right path. You think, trying to get a pin on the direction.

You follow the feeling down several walking paths and across several catwalks until you reach a large platform. The platform overlooks more of the city's upper levels.

The usual multitude of aliens and humans are somewhere else taking shelter from the rain. Spend more time in this rain, you'll be looking for a new jacket. It was amazing your backpack was this dry.

Grakkus the Hutt invites you to fight night!

Upon further reading, you get the location. Grakkus the Hutt's Palace, in the Hutta Town sector.

Right. To Hutta Town it is. You think.


Hutta Town is allegedly Nar Shadda's capital. Hard to tell with the general rundown look of the place. Not to mention enough air pollution, and impossibly crammed together living spaces, to make Earth governments hit the roof.

You shake your head. Dismissing the thoughts of your homeworld. 

You find the palace. It wasn't too hard to find, it had the most lights and noise coming from it. 

I had better not be imagining the voice. You think, following a crowd in. Since others keep their hoods on, you do the same.

The main part of the palace is a casino, and it's packed with all sorts of beings. They're evenly congregated around the gaming machines, like digital Scabbac, or Slot Machines. The Bar at the far end of the room is busy. 

Then there's the area. It's several floors below.  The floor you're on is one of the spectator overlook areas. To the side of the overlook, the area is betting tables for the next fights.

The crowd roars their approval. 

You stay away from the arena, instead, you take a deep breath and listen for the voice that has led you this far. 

It's clearer this time! It's the clearest it's been the whole time you've been following it! You must be really close. 

It seems to be coming from a floor above you.

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