Chapter 8

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The feeling of nausea has finally passed. You look at the blue sky.

"Excuse me, miss!" Says a voice, you automatically recognize, it belongs to Luke Skywalker.

Oh what now? You think.

You turn to see him and Obi-Wan approaching you.


"Are you a Jedi?" Luke asks.

You see the look of surprise from Obi-Wan.

"What on Earth gave you that idea?" You ask.

Might as well own up to it. I did the training, I earned the lightsaber and the Padawan title.

"Your lightsaber."

"A lightsaber alone does not make a Jedi. For all you know, I could have won it at a game of Scabbac."

"How you moved with it. You protected me."

"Honed reflexes." You say crossing your arms.

Technically you're not lying, and you're just glad you didn't say what Qui-Gon told Young Anakin Skywalker in Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. Maybe I killed a Jedi and took it from them.

Now that you think about it, that line would have probably gotten Obi-Wan's attention faster than anything. Best not to say it.

"Then…um…" he rubbed the back of his head with his hand.

"Are you able to pay Captain Solo's fee?" You ask, changing the subject.

"We are. The boy just sold his speeder." Obi-Wan says.


"What is your connection to the captain?"

"I'm the navigator, way-finder, and odd jobs person," then you quickly add on, "Odd jobs such as running wires where him or Chewbacca wouldn't be able to fit." (Regardless of your size it works out.)

You glance past their shoulders. Across the sand road, you see the Kubaz Imperial Informant, dart into an alley. Long Snoot is here. That means the soldiers aren't far behind. You think, slightly furrowing your brows.

"Is there something wrong?" Obi-Wan asks.

You gesture for them to lean in.

They do.

Then you whisper, "Just saw a known Imperial Informant dart down the alley across from us. Best get a move on."


You lead the way to where the Falcon is parked.

By now Han has finished meeting with Greedo, and later on, Jabba the Hutt.

"It's a piece of junk!" Luke declares as soon as he lies eyes on her.

"Hey! Stop insulting my home. It's not much, but it's better than a cell on Kessle. Which I might add, this ship made the Kessle run in less than  twelve parsecs."

"She'll make point five past lightspeed." Han said, walking down the ship's ramp.

You feel a disturbance in the Force.

"Captain a word please." You say, touching a hand to your forehead. To an onlooker, it would look like you've just gotten a headache.

"Please don't tell me you're working on sunstroke."

"It's not that," You say as you approach him. "We passed Long Snoot on the way."

"That's not good."

"Also soldiers are about to come in the spaceport very very soon, so I highly suggest we get a move -"

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