Chapter 21

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6 Months Later

Once again you're standing in front of the Dark Side cave with Yoda. You've just about completed your formal training, but one thing remains. Facing that blasted cave.

Let's get this over with. You think, unclipping your lightsaber from your belt and handing it to him.

Inside the cave it's cold and dark. You'd be lieing if you said you weren't at least worried. But this time, you acknowledge the feeling then let it go.

There is no fear.

A red lightsaber cuts through the darkness with a hiss.

I was wondering when she'd show up.

"Have you made your decision?" Asks the Dark Side you.

"I have."


"I can find the power to protect my family, myself. But thanks for your offer." You say, not stumbling over your words or looking for the exit.

"You reject me?" She raises her lightsaber, and gives it twirl, like that of a baton, when she stops she points it at you with a threatening air. "You reject us?"

"Well it sures didn't sound like an acceptance." You reply, feeling your muscles tense up, seeing the blade moving.

Eventhough you're aware this is a Darkside illusion, there's still a part of you that still don't want to get hit by the blade. Regardless of it being real or not.

"You've sealed your fate," she lunges at you, her blade going for your chest.

You duck to avoid the attack, then you flip backwards, to get out of range. You land on your feet in a crouch.

"Let's hope you made the correct choice. Otherwise we will be seeing each other again." She threatens, not continuing her attack. Then her image disappears similar to that of a dust storm.

The cave is quite again, all you can hear is your breathing.

You stand to your full height. "Let's hope that doesn't happen again." You say. Don't feel as shaken as you did the first time meeting her, but there's still an after effect, that leaves when you exit the cave.

Outside the cave, you find Yoda mediating. The tips of his ears twitch at your approach.

"Young one. Passed the test you have?"

"I think I did." You say, recounting what happend.

"Most interesting. Much progress you have made under my tutelage. But one thing remains."

"What's that?"

"Your knighting ceremony. Present the council would be, but changed times have."

"I've heard of how the ceremony is preformed. My Padawan Braid is cut off using a lightsaber. It's usually a rather solumn occasion."

"Yes. Doing that part of the ceremony we will."

You work your braid out of the rest of your hair style, so no other hair will be accidently cut. (If you opted for the string of beads similar to Ashoka Tano's, you move it the same way.)

You kneel in front of Yoda.

He reaches into the folds of his robe and draws his lightsaber. The bright green blade hums softly.

You wonder how long had it been since he last used it.

"We are all Jedi," he says, his voice carrying throughout the nearby swamp. "The Force speaks through us. Through our actions, the Force proclaims itself and what is real. Today we are here to acknowledge what the Force has proclaimed."

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