Chapter 18

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Even though you relied on the Force to guide you, you wind up, well...not lost, but not far from it either.

"Right. So we found the Darkside cave. We found the ruins of where The Children had been. We found where Leia had gotten a lightsaber crystal, in Empire Strikes Back Infinities.  Are missing something?"

"A decent oil bath. Egh, this swamp water is doing nothing for my circuitry." R7 complains.

"I'm sorry about that. If Master Yoda had chosen to hide on a dryer and more populated planet, I would send you for a bath." You reply, thinking, If anything so you're a happier camper.

"Y/N, R7!" Luke calls out, waving at you across the bog. "I was wondering when you'd show up."

"We'll be over there in a minute!" You call back.

Then you say to R7, "Stay away from the water. I can sense something swimming around in there, and I don't like it."

"My sensors indicate you are correct."

"Any sign of Master Yoda?" You ask, taking a seat by the glow lamp. Luke has already set up camp for the night.

"Not yet. But there's something about this place, I keep getting this feeling." He says, taking a bite of his rations.

You sense a flicker of something through the Force. Something getting closer, and it has taken an interest in your little adventuring party.

You rest your hand on your lightsaber hilt.

"What feeling would you say is that?" You ask.

Luke draws his blaster pistol and spins around.

"Like we're being watched."

In his sights, is Master Yoda. Well, only you know it's him that is. He has an arm raised, shielding his face.

"Away with your weapon. I mean you no harm. I am wondering, why are you here?"

"Put down the blaster," You say to Luke, your voice even. "He's relatively harmless."

"Are you sure?" He whispers.

"I have a feeling." You say, trying to smile reassuringly.

Relatively harmless? Hah! Remembering just how strong Yoda is in the Force and lightsaber combat. You think.

Luke nods and lowers his blaster.

"We're looking for someone." He says.

"Perhaps I can help you?"

"I don't think you can. We're looking for a great warrior."

"Not many of them you will find around here." Yoda replies as he begins to rifle through Luke's storage cubes, taking a bite of a meal rations stick.

R2 beeps and whistles in protest.

"Hey, that's my dinner!" Luke snaps, taking the case of food.

Yoda makes a sound of disgust, "Egh. How did you get so big? Eating food like that?" He proceeds to climb onto a storage cube and go through the rest of Luke's stuff.

"I'm just gonna run a few updates." R7 says, going into sleep mode.

You can feel Luke's irritation with the gremlin. But then again, can you blame him?

Yoda finds a penlight, which Luke tries to get back.

"Mine. Or help you I won't." Yoda says.

"I don't want your help, I want my lamp back. I'm gonna need it to get off this slimy mudhole."

Star Wars: Episode Huh? (A Reader Insert Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें