Chapter 13

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You dab your eyes with your shirtsleeve as the lift takes you to the floor the war room is on.

I know he'll be ok, but I still worry. You think, I also know Han will be coming back, but I still worry. What if things don't go how they're supposed to? What if the Empire succeeds in attacking Yavin 4? What if -

You take a deep breath.

"What if I calm the Blazes down and try that Jedi Battle Meditation?" You say aloud, even though you're the only one in the lift.

The doors woosh open. You're in the hallway going towards the war room. If anything, the influx of Rebel officers from the other three Turbolifts gives it away.

"Y/n!" Leia calls out. "Come on. I got a spot saved for us."

You glance around and see she's at the door to the room.

You jog to her. "Have they started the attack yet?"

"Not yet. But the Death Star is on the other side of Yavin, so we don't have much time," she pauses for a moment, then asks in a low voice. "Do you have any insight into the battle's possible outcome?"

You calm your mind and listen.

"The future is always in motion," You say, remembering Master Yoda always said that. Now you understand why you don't want to give Leia false hope. Nor do you want to give her more need to worry.

"But. The Force is with us." You say, feeling your arms break out in goosebumps.

"Let's hope it stays that way  y/n."


"Who are you?" One of the Officers in the war room asks.

"I'm Y/N. Jedi Apprentice. I'm from Earth." You reply, a bit of unease attempts to perminate your voice.

"She's with me," Leia says with a smile. "She held off Darth Vader so I could be rescued."

The room breaks out into questions.

"I only survived because Master Kenobi was there," You say, quickly adding "Like I said. I'm only a Padawan. "

You, Leia, and other Rebel leaders gather around a display, that shows the whole planet and any combatants. Rebel Fighters have the pilot's name, and call sign, beside the miniature hologram fighter.

"Standby alert. Death Star Approaching. Estimated time to firing range...fifteen minutes." Announces the computer.

It's show time. You think, gripping a handrail.

"All wings report in." Says the leader.

"Red ten standing by."

"Red seven standing by."

"Red three standing by." You hear the voice of Biggs Darklighter. He's Luke's friend from Tatooine.

"Red six standing by."

"Red nine standing by."

"Red two standing by." Wedge Antilles,  if all goes well, he's a Rebellion/ New Republic hero in the making.

"Red eleven standing by."

"Red five standing by." You hear the voice of Luke. A small smile tugs at your lips.

Anakin used the same call sign during the Clone Wars.

You take a deep breath and close your eyes.

You feel the Force.

Relax, you tell yourself. Relax. Need to boost morale.

You're well aware you can't influence the battle off planet, but who was to say you couldn't influence the leaders of the battle?

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