Chapter 30

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3 Years after the events of Episode 6

"Y/N, Since you are the closest to the Arkanis system, I need you to investigate rumors of an Imperial Remnant being rebuilt. When you find out if these rumors are true or not, report back to me." The holo recording of Leia says.

You're sitting in the pilot's seat of your ship, you're sitting in a relaxed slouch.

This is the third time you've replayed the message from Leia. Unfortunately, she didn't go further into details.

You click off the recording and watch the swirl of the Hyperspace wormhole through the viewscreen.

"I've been a Knight's Errant for three years, still haven't found a Padawan, and Earth is still an Imperial stronghold," You sigh irritably, "Might as well read that information on Arkanis."

You tap on your wrist computer so the read-out will appear on the cockpit's holoprojector.

Star System: Arkanis, Arkanis Sector, Outer Rim Territories.

Mainly populated by Humans,
Breathable Atmosphere, Rainy Climate.

Government: Monarchy, affiliated with the Regency Worlds and the Galactic Empire.

"Why does that system sound familiar?" You ask aloud, rubbing the back of your neck. "Who's the Head of Imperial Operations on the planet?"

You scroll down.

Commandant Brendol Hux

"Blast," You grumble, remembering how he was towards anybody, he didn't like, namely his own son. "I'm going to try to stay out of trouble, but if push comes to shove, I'm putting him on the ground."


It's raining when you land the ship on the outskirts of the capital city. Instead of a Jedi overrobe, to help keep the rain off, you go with a hooded jacket.

"R7, stay with the ship. I'll call if I need help."

"I hope you know what you're doing." R7 says, staying at the top of the ramp.

"The Force will guide me." You say, pulling your hood up.

Right then. First things first. Scout out the Imperial base of operations. You think, obscuring your lightsaber from view.


It's still raining when you get to the most grand-looking building in the area. You're crouched behind some rocks, looking at the building through a pair of pocket Electrobinoculars.

You can tell there's Stormtroopers and Imperial Officers gathered on the landing pad, standing in formation.

What's all the hubbub? You think, feeling the low rumble of an approaching Imperial Shuttle.

The tri-winged shuttle touches down on the landing pad.

The boarding ramp opens, and down walks four humanoid beings, guiding a durasteel crate on a repulsor lift. The humanoids are wearing Hazmat suits, so you can't see more.

After a few seconds, three dark hooded figures disembark from the shuttle. Two of the figure's robes are a shiny black, which makes you blink from the suddenness of it. The third is a plain black robe that moves and looks like your regular Jedi robe.

Your breath hitches feeling the presence of the Dark Side. For good measure, you use the Force concealment technique, to hide your presence from them.

They're talking with an Imperial officer on the landing pad. You can't tell what's being said.

Star Wars: Episode Huh? (A Reader Insert Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz