Chapter 16

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In the corridor the smell of blaster fire is heavy, mixed with the sickening smell of singed fur. There is also a lot of shouting.

You unclip your lightsaber and head for the heart of the commotion.

A savage roar echos down the hall. You sidestep to avoid several rebels, with drawn blasters, running down the corridor.

Exposed wires drop down from the ceiling sparking angerly.

The soldiers that ran ahead, turn a corner, just to be thrown against an opposite wall.

Found the Wampa. You think, mentally kicking yourself for not exploring the caves more.

You round the corner, igniting your lightsaber as you go.

"THANK THE FORCE YOU'RE HERE!" R7 screamed, he was wedged (the best he could) between a storage crate and the wall.

You reach out with the Force, trying to get a feel of the Wampa's emotions.

You're met with the fear that people are in your house and you don't know who they are.

"Hey," you gently say, attempting to soothe the creature. "Hey. Hey. Hey. What's going on?"

You switch off your lightsaber so you'll appear less threatening.

"I'm sorry for what's going on," You slowly extend your hand towards the creature. "It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you."

All the while, alarm bells are sounding in your head. This is so wrong. This is so wrong. I'm going to get my arm taken off to prove a point.

The Wampa lowers its massive furry head down to you. It cautiously sniffs your hand.

Knowledge and Defence, never for attack. You think, letting the Wampa take as much time as they needed to get used to your smell.

"Would you like help getting out of here?" You ask.

The creature makes a sound that you guess is one of agreement.


The trek to the hanger is an interesting one.

Rebel Personel give you a wide breadth, especially when they see you're escorting a Wampa.

Once you get about a hundred feet,  past the main gates, you attempt to press upon the creature to go home. That is, without viewing you as a brand new box of carry-out.

"Alrighty, we got past the blasters. You're good to go."

The Wampa looks at you with its head tilted.

"I mean, as in this is where we depart. "

Just then another one of those meteors that Han and Luke had checked out, streaks across the sky, landing over the closest ridge.

The Wampa gives a low growl looking in that direction.

"I agree. Best get someplace safe."


After some more coaxing, the Wampa finally leaves for a different ice cave.

You're about to head back when you see Han jogging to you from the hanger.

"Another one of those meteors showed up on the Sensors. Want to check it out with me?"

"Sure thing." You reply.

You and Han take cover behind a snow dune, glancing around it.

You see the familiar form of an Imperial Probe Droid. It vaguely reminds you of a durasteel Jellyfish.

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