Chapter 2

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You didn't hear the Officer say whether the blaster bolts would be set to stun or kill, so you decide to err on the side of caution.

You skid to a stop, down an alley that connects one municipal parking lot to another.

You're stopping to catch your breath.

Let's just assume they've radioed to other troopers for a B.O.L.O.  You know that acronym, means Be On the Look Out,  from watching T.V.

Also, let's assume they've set their blasters to kill.  You think, wiping the sweat from your face.

Now to find a way off  planet. You think. I don't have a valid Imperial I.D. yet, so public transit is out of the question.

You look both ways and cross the municipal parking lot, using parked cars as cover. Even with the introduction of Speeders, anyone that's not an Imperial soldier still uses their regular vehicle.

The shelter-in-place orders seem to be lessening, namely with people who have a job that's responsible to keep society running.

You duck down between a blue truck and a white midsized sedan.

Now here's a question. If I stow away on a cargo ship, will they have enough oxygen in the cargo hold for me?  You think, getting a view of the rest of the parking lot.

And what about food? Or a map? Or a comlink? I don't have any Credits. You still hadn't gotten around to converting your money, because hey, your local bank was still trying to do their own system conversion.

Who am I supposed to rob in order to survive?! You think, stopping yourself from striking a vehicle. The last thing you needed was to trigger an alarm.

I don't even have a weapon. You think, now kicking yourself for forgetting to grab a kitchen knife.

"Stars above," You breathe, "Just wait 'til they find my toy (favorite character) collector's edition lightsaber."

You hear a commotion from the other side of the parking lot. You ease yourself into a standing crouch.

You see a group of Stormtroopers parking a landspeeder in front of a business. They're talking loudly and go inside. From what you could tell they were on break and were going in for lunch.

No. I can't. Stealing is… Your eyebrows raise slightly, and you purse your lips. "Currently a viable option, as long as it don't become a habit." You say, pulling your scarf out of your backpack.

You slip it around your neck and pull a portion over your nose and mouth. Then you pull your hood up and shoulder your bag.

Let's hope this works. You think, taking a deep breath as you walk toward the speeder. Just gonna check for a weapon and credits.

I am one with the Force, the Force is one with me. You think, recalling the mantra from Rogue One.

The closer you got, another thought crossed your mind. I don't know what the blazes I'm doing. Especially since breaking into someone's vehicle usually doesn't cross your mind.

You slide your hands in your jacket pockets, trying not to look so blooming obvious.

Sitting on the backseat of the open cockpit landspeeder was a lone holstered blaster pistol.

You take your hands out of your pockets and grab the blaster then start looking for credits.

Luckily someone's wallet had fallen out and was between a seat and a door.

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