Finishing My Wing Tests and Showing a Place to Stay

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I'll devour a couple ribs, some of the little bones in the hands and feet, the collarbone, and the tailbone. Removing these won't kill him, and he'll still be able to do most things, maybe not fight though, but there would be no doubt they were gone. His hands and feet would still mostly work though.

I walked over to the barrier around the little girl and dropped my illusion before dispelling the barrier.

She was still huddled on the ground, and I wondered how long she would stay like that. Rather than finding out, I cast a healing spell on her to fix the cuts and bruises.

She noticed something happened and removed her hands from her face, then looked at herself in amazement before looking at me with gratitude in her eyes. She had large eyes and a round face, she looked like she needed to eat more and the features would cuter once her cheeks filled out. She may not have understood what was going on, but she wasn't so dumb as to not understand who did it.

She looked around and saw the kids on the ground but didn't seem sorry for them. I patted her on the head before teleporting us both away from the scene.

I created 5 silver coins and held them out to her, "You look like you need something to eat."

She looked hesitant, but that only lasted for a split second before taking them and bowing in thanks. I started to wonder if she was unable to talk or just didn't.

I turned away, now she has a little money, and it is time for me to have some more fun. I think rather than continuing to explore the city today, I will test the oblique wing. Flying at supersonic speeds was more of a fun experience now.

I only got a step before I felt a tug on the back of my coat. I turned my head back towards her, and her eyes seemed to be thinking of whether to ask something, eventually deciding not to, and she just bowed in thanks again.

"If you want to ask something you should. The worst that could happen is a person says no right? Rather than living your life wondering if they would have agreed, isn't it better to ask?"

She nodded and seemed to decide to follow what is said before pointing between herself and me, then away.

"You want to show me something?"

She shook her head and grabbed my hand before gently pushing me along in front of her while seeming to follow behind me.

"You want me to show you something? No, if you show me where to show you, then it is the same as you showing me something. You want me to take you somewhere?"

She held her thumb upright like it was correct, then turned it down like it was wrong before putting it in the middle like it was partly correct. I could just pull it out of her mind, but this way is more fun.

"You want me to take you? Is that part correct?"

She nodded happily.


She shrugged and pointed at me.

"You don't know where but me?" Then it clicked, "You want me to take you with me."

She nodded again.

"I'm a vampire though."

Shock ran across her face, and her eyes flicked with fear as she tried to grasp what I said. A few seconds later she seemed to decide what to do and took my hand again before pushing me along.

"You still want to go with me."

She nodded with a smile.

"I live on the estate of Lady Nyx Emrys right now."

I Devour the Multiverses and Collect Worlds, Beauties, and TrophiesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя