Azreel Schmuck and Killing Ogres

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I heard Elaria get up and start making breakfast. Figuring it must be morning, I stopped working on my mana circles and gently woke up the little pervert. She woke up and "stretched" before Elaria brought her breakfast. After eating, we dressed and left the apartment for the guild to take more quests.

We needed mana stones to increase our circles faster, and getting paid to kill the monsters was an excellent bonus.

After walking through the guild doors, I remembered we needed to go to a magic shop first, so I turned around and headed right back out the door. Due to the sharp turn in the other direction, I didn't notice the group behind us and crashed into a lady who had been behind me.

I reached out, held her shoulder so she didn't fall over, then released. "My apologies, I didn't look where I was going."

She was dressed like a witch in a red mage robe and a brown hat. She looked about 25 and had a pretty face.

"Hey! What if you hurt her? If you don't want me to call the guards, then you should beg for forgiveness, and maybe I can be lenient."

I ignored the speaker for a moment.

Her eyes flickered with annoyance at the other's words. She looked at me and gave a smile, "It's okay; I've done it also."

I turned my head toward the voice of the other speaker, a rich-looking guy about the same age as the witch girl, and raised an eyebrow. I think he's only trying to impress her, but instead, he's annoying everyone.

He pointed at me, "Shouldn't you provide some compensation? Don't worry; I'll make sure you are shown leniency if your genuinely remorseful," then he pointed at the ground in front of him.

I gave him a bored look and looked back at the witch girl. She looked annoyed, along with the rest of the party members. Why they weren't saying anything to him I don't know; maybe he's powerful or something.

Looking back at him, I asked, "Who are you? I'm new in this city. Do you have the power to show me leniency?"

He puffed out his chest, "I'm Azreel Schmuck," I almost choked, but he didn't notice and continued, "a 3rd circle mage; my father is a 4th circle and best friends with the city lord."

Ah, that explains it. For most people, they can't offend him, but I don't have to care.

I thought maybe he was friends with a 6th or 7th circle that I might have to worry about, but it's actually his father that is friends with the city lord, who is only a 5th circle. Still, I don't want to fight a 5th circle, but the city lord won't want to either and probably has better things to do than fight to the death. In reality, he'd probably try to make friends to make his position safer.

I turned and started walking away. When my back was to him, I held my hand in the air off to the side and gave a thumbs up.

As I walked towards the magic shop, I could hear screaming from behind, but just tuned it out. When we passed a guard who was stationed on a corner, I cast an illusion of text in front of him.

"A guy named Azreel Schmuck made a mess and tried to offend a 5th circle mage using his connection to the city lord. Please run it up to your supervisors so it doesn't turn into a big issue. Hopefully."

I could have just not said anything, but sometimes, it's the guy who reports it first that gets favored, so I figured I would.

The guard started speaking what was written into a little device, probably a magic communicator, and I released the illusion as we entered Ruth's Magic Books.

It was a small shop and had the walls lined with books. There was a bookshelf going down the middle and a counter near the entrance, across from the counter there were 2 small tables.

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