Moving Target Practice

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We left the cliff under the palace behind us and walked quickly through the open area toward the village. The village was quite far off, so I don't think we will get there today.

As we moved across the land, Lila kept looking around and almost tripped. I snickered and reminded her there would be plenty of time to look later, but for now, we should make sure we aren't delayed due to an accident. She agreed, and I could tell she was doing her best not to focus on the surroundings.

When darkness fell, we still hadn't made it to the village, so I made a bed of blankets for her to sleep on while I continued to cultivate. Normally, I would sit while cultivating; however, the sky was full of stars, so I lay on my back admiring the stars for a bit, then started cultivating. Lila again pulled the blankets over to my side before laying down and using my chest as a pillow.

I think I can break through to the 4th layer of qi refining within the next few months, so I decided to focus on cultivation for a while rather than increasing my mana circles until then. Already being a 4th circle mage was pretty decent and would be generally respected.

Although the maximum circles for a mage are 10, even a 9th circle mage is so rare there may not even be any in the world at this time. Mages of the 8th circle are considered to be top powerhouses in the world, and even kings give them respect.

Although there is a huge distance between 4th and 8th circle mages, in the eyes of common people, 4th circle mages will be able to live a stable life with a stable income, whether it be by healing people, adventuring, or whatever they decide to do. Almost all problems faced by common people can be solved or at least eased by a 4th circle mage.

I spent the night cultivating and stopped when I could feel the sun coming up and Lila starting to awake. She rolled over and wrapped her arms around my chest, her tail swishing in the air as she opened her eyes looking at me with a smile.

"Good morning, I slept really well last night. I'm going to sleep like this every night now."

I tried to sit up, but she held me in place, moving her leg over my waist further holding me down. I felt movement from my little brother, and thought about how she's being a little too brave right now, and I needed to get up. Part of me wanted to stay here but I couldn't completely shake the ages for thing to be appropriate ingrained on me from my past on earth.

Her smile turned flirtatious, and her eyes held a hint of naughtiness. "You have to stay right here till you agree."

I was going to get embarrassed if this kept going on. "Ok I agree now move." I quickly urged as I pushed her off and stood up, staying slightly bent over. I devoured the blankets and started walking away.

"We need to go now."

She moved faster than me until she was in front then matched my pace, giving me a nice view. I'm sure she did this on purpose also, but I couldn't bring myself move faster till I was side by side.

After a few hours, we'd arrived at the village entrance.

"We should see if we can get a map to the next destination." I suggested.

"We don't have money unless you can make it."

This world uses copper, silver, and gold for money. 100 copper for 1 silver and 10 silver for 1 gold. A family of 3 usually needed about 60 gold to live each year.

"I can but I'd rather not if we don't need to; it's a waste of energy." Although it probably wouldn't be too expensive for a map, I don't want to expend energy uselessly that I can't recover.

The village was a collection of small wood houses with thatched roofs. Some wagons loaded with varying amounts of supplies were parked in the street, and there were a few beastmen moving around doing their work. It seemed to be a farming village with grain fields sprawling out on all sides of the village.

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