Journey in Polaris and my New Job

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Over the next three days, I asked Kitty for more information about this world.

Astral World 1.98NJSIF4 has power levels here are categorized into distinct realms, each further divided into Early, Middle, Late, and Peak stages. To help you understand better, they are measured on a scale from 0 to 100, with 0 representing mortals with no power. Here's a detailed breakdown of these realms:

Foundation Establishment (1-10): At this initial stage, individuals work on building a solid foundation for their abilities. However, Foundation Establishment provides only a small increase in one's lifespan.

Astral Refinement (11-25): Practitioners in this stage refine their connection to the astral energy from the stars and enhance the purity of their power. This realm increases one's lifespan by about 25-50 years.

Star Condensation (26-40): Here, individuals focus on condensing their power into a "star core," which significantly augments their abilities and grants mastery over astral energy. The expected increase in lifespan at this stage is approximately 100-150 years.

Supreme Attainment (41-70): Supreme Attainment represents the peak of power achievable by most geniuses. Those in this stage are considered among the most formidable beings in the world, with their lifespan increasing by 200-300 years.

Legendary Ascension (70-100): Legendary Ascension is the highest and most revered stage of power, achieved by only a select few. Those in this realm have ascended to legendary status and wield extraordinary cosmic abilities. It's an exceptionally rare achievement, with a being ascending to Legendary status appearing only about once every 100 years. Achieving Legendary Ascension boosts one's life expectancy by an impressive 400-500 years.

Kitty also clarified that I couldn't use the body forging technique I received from the first reward yet because my current strength was insufficient. This news soured my mood, as I felt like I had received a somewhat useless reward for all my previous efforts. However, I consoled myself with the knowledge that I would be able to use it in the future, making it valuable in the long run.

In this world, practitioners of astral power typically join a sect and tend to distance themselves from normal mortals. The level of support they receive from sects depends on their talent in cultivating astral power. Some sects offer full support, while others may provide only a portion of what's needed, contingent upon the practitioner's efforts.

It was on the third day that I came across what appeared to be a road. It was distinguishable from the rest of the terrain by narrow ruts in the ground, likely left by wagon wheels. However, this road led northeast, which contradicted my previous plan to avoid traveling north due to the cooler climate in that direction. I needed to decide whether to abandon my original plan or continue walking east. I ultimately chose to follow the road.

About a day later, scattered farmhouses came into view, and beyond them, I witnessed a magnificent city wall with a castle perched atop a hill. As someone who had grown up in America, I'd never seen a castle before, so the sight was incredibly exciting.

The grey stone walls stretched endlessly in each direction, with an arched opening in the middle for a gate. As I got closer, I could see a line of about seven people waiting for the guards, clad in dull silver but well-fitting armor, to let them in. There was one guard standing in front of the first person in line, checking their papers, likely identity documents.

"Kitty, can I get an identity in the store? Also, is there a way to communicate with you without speaking out loud?" I asked.

[Yes, identities are available in the store, and I receive all thoughts directed at me.]

This system, I couldn't help wishing for a manual. I decided to test it out and thought, 'inventory.'

Whada ya know, the inventory screen appeared immediately. It was useful, even if I couldn't find that non-existent manual. 'Go to the identities,' I thought.

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