My New Computer and Opening a Bank Account

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I entered a computer store that sold individual parts and built computers to customers' specifications. It was a small, locally-owned shop, but it had almost everything a person could dream of that was available to normal people.

Rather than buying something off the shelf, I preferred to specify something I wanted. It always seemed to work better, granted you put it together with the right parts.

A young man in his twenties, whom I recognized as the owner's son, was at the counter. He had helped me before.

He looked up from his work on a laptop, "Welcome to Computer Smith, I'll be with you momentarily."

Finishing the installation of what looked to be a new stick of RAM, he snapped the back of the laptop back on, pressed the power button, and set it to the side, "How can I help you this fine day?"

"I'd like you to put together a desktop for me, using the best components available. Would you write me up a quote?"

He gave a small laugh, "I was just messing around earlier, trying to see how much the grandest and fastest computer would cost me."

He pulled up an invoice on the computer next to him and turned the screen towards me, "I currently have it at $72,458. However, some parts can be switched out with only a marginal decrease in performance, and this would bring the cost down by a lot. Would you like me to see exactly how much?"

"No, just do this one. When will it be ready?"

He looked ecstatic and raised his arms in a praying gesture, "Dear Mr. Computer God, you've answered my prayers! I really get to put it together!"

"Oh, sorry. I got too excited. Will it be cash or card?" He came back to reality but still looked like he'd faint from excitement.

This guy is a little amusing.

"I only have $13,000 on me right now and no card. Can I bring my debit card by when I pick it up?"

"Certainly, we charge a 10% deposit, so that's only... $7,245.80."

I just gave him $8,000 to make it easy, "When will it be done?"

"I'll get right on it; you're now the first in the queue. I'll have it done in about 30 minutes."

I nodded and left the store for the bank.

I reached a local bank that had branches all over the city, the same bank I used to have an account with.

Out of sight, I added as much money as the briefcase could hold and then purchased a second one. In total, I now had $4,800,000 between both cases. Then I bought one of the massive military-sized backpacks and put another $20 million in it. This is definitely going to be odd, but what can I do? Kitty refused to help me add money to a bank account.

The teller didn't look like she was going to be any fun with that arrogant smile.

Seeing there wasn't another one, I sighed and walked up, "I'd like to open an account."

"You have to make an appointment. You can only do it for tomorrow. We don't take appointments today."

"If I want to deposit over $24 million, do I still need an appointment?"

She snorted, "You can't have $24 million. Look at yourself carrying around a backpack like a homeless person before making up lies. Handsome and poor, what a shame your looks went to you."

I was completely unamused and could tell I wasn't going to get anywhere with her.

I sighed, "Can I speak to a manager then?"

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